BAF-Online: Proceedings of the Berner Altorientalisches Forum
ISSN: 2504-2076
ISSN: 2504-2076
BAF-Online is the publication platform of the Berner Altorientalisches Forum (BAF). It makes available to the public within the shortest possible delays vidcasts of the talks that have been held at the BAF. The vidcasts published at BAF Online have been peer-reviewed by members of the BAF scientific committee and are quotable. The aim of BAF-Online is to facilitate the dissemination and publication of ideas prior to final results.
The Berner Altorientalisches Forum (BAF) is an annual international meeting designed to bring together researchers of the Ancient Near East specialising in different areas and disciplines. There is no theme. Participants are encouraged to communicate their ideas as concisely as possible. Talks last no more than 10 minutes and are vidcasted.
The idea of setting up a forum designed to bring together specialists from all disciplines active in all areas of the Ancient Near East broadly defined was put forward by Johanna Tudeau in January 2015. The BAF project followed, developed in the course of a conversation between Johanna and Mirko Novák. The first BAF took place in Bern on 24-25 June 2016, organised by Johanna and Hannah Mönninghoff with the support of the BAF Committee
Vol 2 (2017)
Table of Contents
Programme of the 2nd BAF, 28-29 June 2017
Guiding Questions for PanelsPanel 1: Defining spheres of influence
Jeannette Boertien
Nurcan KüçükarslanPanel 2: Recovering function, purpose and meaning
Anna Glenn
Nicole HerzogPanel 3: Describing language and symbolism
Nelson Henrique da Silva Ferreira
Sara ManasterskaPanel 5: Managing and using data across different fields of study and research
Sebastian Borkowski
Michael Mäder
Eva Schmalenberger
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