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Open Access Monograph Series: American Studies in Papyrology

[First posted in AWOL 25 Dectember 2015, updated 31 May 2018 (46 volumes of the series have now been digitized)]

American Studies in Papyrology
The ASP publishes The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP), the only North American journal in the field of papyrology. The Society maintains an extensive back list for BASP. The University of Michigan Library now maintains an electronic archive of BASP from Vol. 1 (1963/4).

The Society also publishes a monograph series, American Studies in Papyrology, a new series of reprinted "Classics" in papyrology and occasional Supplements to BASP.

American Society of Papyrologists monographs and supplements are distributed by Oxbow/Casemate Academic. Outside of North America, contact Oxbow Books, 10 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford, OX1 2EW, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 1865 241249, Fax: +44 1865 794449, Email: oxbow@oxbowbooks.com. In North America, contact Casemate Academic, PO Box 511 (20 Main St.), Oakville, CT 06779, Tel. 860/945-9329, Fax: 860/945-9468.   [See here]

Showing results 1 - 12 of 46

Annotations in Greek and Latin texts from Egypt

Author:McNamee, Kathleen.
Publisher:American Society of Papyrologists
Place of Publication: New Haven, Conn.
Date of Publication: c2007

The four Greek hymns of Isidorus and the cult of Isis

Author:Vanderlip, Vera Frederika.
Publisher:A. M. Hakkert
Place of Publication: Toronto
Date of Publication: 1972

Yale papyri in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library v.1

Author:Oates, John F.Samuel, Alan Edouard.Welles, C. Bradford (Charles Bradford), 1901-
Publisher:American Society of Papyrologists
Place of Publication: New Haven
Date of Publication: 1967-

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