Guide de l’épigraphiste: Bibliographie choisie des épigraphies antiques et médiévales: Supplements
François Bérard, Denis Feissel, Nicolas Laubry, Pierre Petitmengin, Denis Rousset, Michel Sève et collaborateurs.Quatrième édition entièrement refondue.
Guides et inventaires bibliographiques de la Bibliothèque de l’École normale supérieure, 7.Epigraphy is a subject which can strike fear into the heart of the boldest scholar. Even the historians, linguists and archaeologists who are well aware how much it has to offer them are daunted at the prospect of tackling the material. Inscriptions in the ancient world performed a wide variety of functions, and had an importance which it is hard for us to appreciate ; thousands of inscribed texts, in Greek and Latin, survive, and each year the number increases substantially.How can one trace inscriptions discovered in Italy since the publication of Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum ? Find the most reliable edition of the Rosetta Stone or Diocletian’s Price Edict ? Discover the prosopographical information that could form the basis of a study of social relations ?To deal with such problems, a group of French scholars produced in 1986 the first edition of this Guide, revealing to the uninitiated the keys to the study of the epigraphies of the ancient world, from the Greeks and Romans to the peoples who lived next door. The Guide, published in 1989 in a second edition and in 2000 in its third edition, contains a carefully selected bibliographical apparatus, with brief comments on individual works, a methodological introduction and a rich series of indices.This fourth edition is a completely new work, containing some 2975 items. The fourth part of these items shows new bibliographic titles which have been published between 2000 and 2010.
DOCUMENTSSont ici mis en ligne :
— à titre historique, les avant-propos de la première et de la troisième édition,
— la concordance entre les numéros de la troisième édition et ceux de la quatrième édition,
— la liste des abréviations usuelles répertoriées dans le Guide,
— la liste des sites internet indiqués dans le Guide, avec les liens correspondants, qui seront régulièrement vérifiés et mis à jour,
— la liste des cotes des livres à la Bibliothèque de l’École normale supérieure.SUPPLÉMENTSLes auteurs prévoient de préparer un supplément annuel, qui sera ici mis en ligne chaque été.Télécharger les suppléments disponibles :