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Open Access Journal: Archeologia e Calcolatori

[First posted in AWOL 8 June 2009. Updated 25 May 2018]

Archeologia e Calcolatori
Istituto per l'archeologia etrusco-italica.; Università di Siena. Dipartimento di archeologia e storia delle arti.
ISSN 1120-6861
Archeologia e Calcolatori
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Archeologia e Calcolatori is a peer reviewed open access journal

Since 1990 Archeologia e Calcolatori (ISSN 1120-6861, e-ISSN 2385-1953) has been an international observatory of theoretical and methodological aspects of computing and information technology applied to archaeology.

Some specific aspects characterise the journal in the international panorama: the multilingualism, the dialectical relationship between theory and experimentation, the continuous bibliographical updating, and the evaluation of techniques and methods through tangible archaeological results. Periodical publication of special thematic issues and conference proceedings allows readers to appreciate the ongoing evolution of the archaeologist’s approach to generate and spread digital information as applied when reconstructing the past. Since 2007 a new series of Supplements to the journal (ISSN 2385-202X, e-ISSN 2385-2038) has also been published.

Since 2005 Archeologia e Calcolatori has joined the Open Archives Initiative, adopting the OAI-PMH protocol. It is registered in the list of OAI Data Providers and OAIster contributors and in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Archeologia e Calcolatori is indexed in Scopus as well as in the Clarivate Analytics’ Emerging Sources Citation Index and is included in ERIH PLUS. Articles are also stored in the CNR SOLAR (Scientific Open-access Literature Archive and Repository) database of scientific publications. The metadata of each contribution published in Archeologia e Calcolatori – ca 900 resources – are available in CulturaItalia.

Archeologia e Calcolatori is an ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of the Universities and Research Institutes) A-rated Journal in the scientific Areas 8 and 10.
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