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(Partially) Open Access Monograph Series: Studia Semitica Upsaliensia

Studia Semitica Upsaliensia
ISSN: 0585-5535
Studies in Semitic Linguistics and Manuscripts: A Liber Discipulorum in Honour of Professor Geoffrey Khan
University College London.
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich.
Woolf Institute; University of Cambridge.
École Pratique des Hautes Études-PSL; Institut de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes-CNRS.
2018 (English)Collection (editor) (Refereed)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2018. , p. 467
Studia Semitica Upsaliensia, ISSN 0585-5535 ; 30
National Category
Specific Languages
Research subject
Semitic Languages
URN: urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-347037ISBN: 978-91-513-0290-4 (print)OAI: oai:DiVA.org:uu-347037DiVA, id: diva2:1192909
THE EDITORS Studies in Semitic Linguistics and Manuscripts: A Liber Discipulorum in Honour of Professor Geoffrey Khan   7
Part 1: Linguistics, Grammar and Exegesis
PETER J. WILLIAMS Semitic Long /i/ Vowels in the Greek of Codex Vaticanus of the New Testament   15
AARON D. HORNKOHL Biblical Hebrew Tense–Aspect–Mood, Word Order and Pragmatics: Some Observations on Recent Approaches   27
JOHAN M. V. LUNDBERG Long or Short? The Use of Long and Short Wayyiqṭols in Biblical, Parabiblical and Commentary Scrolls from Qumran   57
ELIZABETH ROBAR Unmarked Modality and Rhetorical Questions in Biblical Hebrew   75
SHAI HEIJMANS The Shewa in the First of Two Identical Letters and the Compound Babylonian Vocalisation   98
DANIEL BIRNSTIEL הֶחָכָם, but הַחָכְמָה: Some Notes on the Vocalisation of the Definite Article in Tiberian Hebrew   111
SAMUEL BLAPP The Use of Dageš in the Non-Standard Tiberian Manuscripts of the Hebrew Bible from the Cairo Genizah   132
LILY KAHN The Ashkenazic Hebrew of Nathan Nata Hannover’s Yeven Meṣula (1653)   151
FIONA BLUMFIELD Medieval Jewish Exegetical Insights into the Use of Infinitive Absolute as the Equivalent of a Preceding Finite Form   181
MEIRA POLLIACK Implementation as Innovation: The Arabic Terms Qiṣṣa and Ḵabar in Medieval Karaite Interpretation of Biblical Narrative and its Redaction History   200
LIDIA NAPIORKOWSKA Patterns of Diffusion of Phonological Change in the North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Azran   217
ELEANOR COGHILL The Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Telkepe   234
OZ ALONI ‘The King and the Wazir’: A Folk-Tale in the Jewish North-Eastern Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Zakho   272

Part 2: Texts, Scribes and the Making of Books and Documents
JUDITH OLSZOWY-SCHLANGER Crossing Palaeographical Borders: Bi Alphabetical Scribes and the Development of Hebrew Script – The Case of the Maghrebi Cursive   299
BENJAMIN M. OUTHWAITE Beyond the Leningrad Codex: Samuel b. Jacob in the Cairo Genizah   320
NADIA VIDRO Arabic Vocalisation in Judaeo-Arabic Grammars of Classical Arabic   341
ESTARA J ARRANT The Structural and Linguistic Features of Three Hebrew Begging Letters from the Cairo Genizah   352
ESTHER-MIRIAM WAGNER Birds of a Feather? Arabic Scribal Conventions in Christian and Jewish Arabic   376
MAGDALEN M. CONNOLLY A 19th Century CE Egyptian Judaeo-Arabic Folk Narrative: Text, Translation and Grammatical Notes       392
REBECCA J. W. JEFFERSON Popular Renditions of Hebrew Hymns in 19th Century Yemen: How a Crudely Formed, Vocalised Manuscript Codex Can Provide Insights into the Local Pronunciation and Practice of Prayer   421
RONNY VOLLANDT The Status Quaestionis of Research on the Arabic Bible   442
The Arabic Dialect of Tillo in the Region of Siirt: (south-eastern Turkey)
Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Languages, Department of Linguistics and Philology.
2009 (English)Book (Other academic)
Abstract [en]
This study places special emphasis on socio-linguistic and language-contact phenomena. It concerns, however, a relatively unfamiliar example of involuntary cultural assimilation and probable extinction, which is not without relevance to current politics among great powers. Chapter 4 treats parts of syntax that are not common in dialectal studies, for example foreground and background of the narrative discourse, topicality hierarchy etc. The Arabic dialect of Tillo, in the region of Siirt in south-eastern Turkey, is spoken by a small isolated group of Arabs living mainly among Kurds but also among Turks. The latter represent the state of Turkey in the form of civil servants, police officers, army officers and other authorities. The official language is Turkish which is also the only language taught in schools. All television and radio programs are broadcast in Turkish, just as all newspapers are published in that language. Since Kurds constitute the vast majority in the region, north Kurdish (Kurmandji) is needed for daily conversation. Arabic has thus come to a standstill stage of development and at the same time lost status for the benefit primarily of Turkish but also of Kurdish. The Arabs are leaving Tillo and immigrating to the big cities in the western parts of the country. This migration is occurring so rapidly that the Arabs of Tillo are distressed that soon no Arabs will remain in the village. In the big cities, for instance Istanbul, the Arabs avoid speaking Arabic in order not to attract attention; they are afraid of being classified as tarrōr “terrorists”. The consequence of this socio-linguistic situation is that Tillo Arabic goes on losing its importance and becoming kaba “vulgar”, and since its development has already been arrested it seems destined to die out. Turkish impact on Tillo Arabic is immense. In accordance with Turkish phonology, the voiced consonants are pronounced voiceless in final position and in contact position before voiceless consonants. An epenthetic or prosthetic vowel is used to avoid a two-consonant cluster. Turkish particles such as the superlative particle en and the adverb hem “also, too” are often used in everyday life. Constructions similar to Turkish ones, such as compound nouns or possessive compounds, are used. The lexicon includes many borrowings and second borrowings. The latter means that a word was first borrowed into Turkish and from Turkish back into Tillo Arabic.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis , 2009. , p. 283
Studia Semitica Upsaliensia, ISSN 0585-5535 ; 26

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