Pelagios Community Survey
British Library, MS Harley 273, f. 111r
The Pelagios project is conducting a survey to find out more about the community of people who may already know about Pelagios and use our tools and services, so that we can better meet your needs and serve your interests.We're also keen to reach out to librarians, curators, archivists and others who work with digital historical materials, geo-spatial information and/or Linked Open Data (LOD), and who may not know anything about Pelagios. With these two groups in mind, we would be extremely grateful if you could take a few minutes to fill out this survey to let us know who you are, what you think about LOD in general, and whether / how you use our tools and services in particular.The survey should take no more than 7 minutes to complete.All information shared will be kept private, and respondents will have the choice whether to share their contact details or not.You can find the survey, as a Google Form here: