Database of Military Inscriptions and Papyri of Early Roman Palestine
Welcome to the Database of Military Inscriptions and Papyri of Early Roman Palestine! This site is designed to aid the study of the military in the early Roman period for those interested in Judaism and Christianity of the first few centuries CE. This website is still deep under construction, but has basic functionality at this point.
The search function is small but effective. If you are looking for a specific entry, search for it as a four-digit number (e.g., entry 23 can be found as 0023). You can search the text or translation easily: finding all centurions, texts from Jerusalem, all inscriptions mentioning cohors I Sebastenorum, etc. by a simple search.
Each entry lists the original language text, an English translation, a brief commentary on the find, relevant bibliography, and information on its provenance. Eventually search functionality will be supplemented by an “advanced search” page that will have a Greek keyboard and allow more specific searches.
DMIPERP entries are divided roughly as follows: entries 1-132 were all found in Palestine and listed in roughly chronological order; entries 133-201 were texts not found in Palestine but discuss either the military in Palestine or those of a Palestinian background (esp. Jews and Gentiles born in Palestine); entries 202-224 are all surviving military diplomas for Judaea and Syria Palaestina; entries 225-296 are military diplomas of units or people originating in Palestine; entries 297-340 are Palestinian milestones erected by the military; entries 341-362 are all known pre-Constantinian military inscriptions involving Christians. There are 372 entries in total, with new entries being added following that number. Note that the source of a translation is indicated by an asterisk in the bibliography. There is more information on how to use this site as well as an updates page for any changes, updates, or new finds. Not sure where to start? Try browsing till you find something interesting!