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Open Access Journal: lucida intervalla: časopis za klasične nauke - a journal of classical studies

[First posted in AWOL 6 April 2015, updated 24 February 2018]

lucida intervalla: časopis za klasične nauke - a journal of classical studies
ISSN: 1450-6645
Lucida intervalla was founded by a group of members of the Department of Classical Studies in Belgrade in 1998, at the time when they perceived their reading and interpreting of ancient texts as sobering acts and breakouts from confusing reality. Hence the name of the journal. The initial idea was to provide students of Classics and general audience with reliable and up to date editions (introductions, original texts, translations, and commentaries) of important and not yet translated works of Greek and Latin literature. In the next 15 years more than 40 volumes were published. The focus of the journal gradually shifted from translations to scholarly contributions, while the proportion of contributions in languages other than Serbian increased slowly but steadily. Today Lucida intervallais an international peer-reviewed journal devoted to publishing original scholarly research in all areas of Classical Studies.
najnovija sveska — latest issue
Maria Kazanskaya A Note on Pythagoras and Ortuges, the Inventors of Elegy in Marius Plotius Sacerdos ( GL VI 510 Keil)
David Hetrick An “Inhabitant” of Erebos: Ajax’s Subversive “νεκρο-νόστος”
Goran Vidović Hijacking Sophocles, burying Euripides: Clytemnestra, Erinyes, and Oedi - pus in Aristophanes’ Assemblywomen
Djibril Agne La notion d’ ἀγέλη dans le système pédagogique platonicien
Marko Vitas Particularisation and priamel in Horace’s Odes
Svetlana Loma Mala epigrafska slagalica: agent tajne policije ili običan centurion?
А ЉОША М ИЛЕНКОВИЋ Грчко εἶναι и γίγνεσθαι у старословенском преводу Јеванђеља по Јовану
Melina Rokai “Pannonia” in the Writings of 15th/16th-Century Humanists: Petrus Ransa - nus, Antonio Bonfini, Nicolaus Olahus and Paulus Gregoriancz
Marco Ricucci Note sull’apprendimento implicito nella didattica del latino con il metodo Ørberg: (più) problemi ma con (qualche) certezza.
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