[First posted in AWOL 12 May 2015, updated 13 February 2018]
IOSPE: Ancient Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea
IOSPE: Ancient Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea
Online third edition of the corpus of ancient inscriptions from the Northern Coast of the Black Sea, titled Inscriptiones antiquae Orae Septentrionalis Ponti Euxini graecae et latinae (IOSPE³).
International collaborative project under the aegis of the International Union of Academies.
Currently available volumes:In preparation:
- I. Inscriptions of Tyras and vicinity (2017)
- III. Inscriptions of Chersonesos and vicinity (2017)
- V. Byzantine Inscriptions (2015)
- IV.1 Inscriptions of Panticapaeum
Structure of the new IOSPE
- Series 1 (Lapidary Inscriptions)
- Volume I. Tyras and vicinity
- Volume II. Olbia and vicinity
- II.1 Inscriptions of pre-Getic Olbia (6th – 1st cent. BC)
- II.2 Inscriptions of post-Getic Olbia (1st – 4th cent. AD)
- Volume III. Chersonesus and vicinity (Western, Central, and Southern Crimea)
- III.1 Greek Inscriptions
- III.2 Latin Inscriptions
- Volume IV. Bosporus
- IV.1 Inscriptions of Panticapaeum
- IV.2 Inscriptions of the European Bosporus except Panticapaeum
- IV.3 Inscriptions of Asian Bosporus
- IV.4 Inscriptions of Tanais
- Volume V. Byzantine Inscriptions
- Indices
- Bibliography
- Concordance and comparatio numerorum of inscriptions in the main corpora
- Search the corpus