HPM, the Hethitologie-Portal Mainz (http://www.hethiter.net), includes
a number of recent and new elements:
Katalog zentralanatolischer Siedlungen (KatzaS) is a database of
archaeological sites in Central Anatolia by Dietrich Sürenhagen,
including exact geographical coordinates, map links, and bibliography.
Archive der Boğazköy-Grabung (BoDoks) by Andreas Schachner is a
gateway to important documents relating to the history of excavations
at Boğazköy-Hattusa.
Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi 71 is the first digital-only
installment of the latest volume of the series KBo, including, among
other material, the 2017 cuneiform finds from Boğazköy.
a number of recent and new elements:
Katalog zentralanatolischer Siedlungen (KatzaS) is a database of
archaeological sites in Central Anatolia by Dietrich Sürenhagen,
including exact geographical coordinates, map links, and bibliography.
Archive der Boğazköy-Grabung (BoDoks) by Andreas Schachner is a
gateway to important documents relating to the history of excavations
at Boğazköy-Hattusa.
Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi 71 is the first digital-only
installment of the latest volume of the series KBo, including, among
other material, the 2017 cuneiform finds from Boğazköy.