[First posted in AWOL 27 April 2014, updated 15 January 2018]
H. Craig Melchert's Publications Online
H. Craig Melchert's Publications Online
Anatolian Text Corpora:
Cuneiform Luvian Corpus
Lydian Corpus
Monographs:Ablative and Instrumental in Hittite (unpublished Harvard Ph.D. dissertation, 1977).Studies in Hittite Historical Phonology, Vandenhoeck& Ruprecht, Göttingen, 1984, 176pp.Lycian Lexicon,self-published, Chapel Hill, 1989, iv + 122pp.Cuneiform Luvian Lexicon, self-published, Chapel Hill, 1993, vi + 298pp. luvlexLycian Lexicon (2nd revised edition), self-published, Chapel Hill, 1993, vi + 130pp.Anatolian Historical Phonology, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 1994, iv + 457pp.A Dictionary of the Lycian Language, Beech Stave Press, Ann Arbor/New York, 2004, xvii +138 pp.www.beechstave.comA Grammar of the Hittite Language (with Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.), Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake,2008, xxii + 468 pp. (Part 1), 75 pp. (Part 2)Edited books:Mír Curad. Studies in Honor of Calvert Watkins, Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der UniversitätInnsbruck, Innsbruck,1998, xviii+715 pp (chief editor, with Jay Jasanoff and Lisi Oliver)The Luwians (Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section One, Near and Middle East Volume 68),Brill, Leiden/Boston, 2003, xix+383 pp addenda&corrigendaArticles:1. 'Hittite ḫašša- ḫanzašša-,'Revue hittite et asianique31 (1973) [1976] 57-70 hassa-2. 'Secondary Derivatives in -yú- in the Rigveda,'Harvard Indo-European Studies 2 (1975) 163-1983. '"Exceptions" to Exceptionless Sound Laws,'Lingua 35 (1975) 135-153 exceptions
4. 'Tocharian Verb Stems in -tk-,'Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 91 (1977)93-130 tk-verbs
5. 'The Acts of Hattušili I,'Journal of Near Eastern Studies 37 (1978) 1-22 hattusiliI
6. 'On §§56, 162 and 171 of the Hittite Laws,'Journal of Cuneiform Studies 31 (1979) 57-64hittitelaws
7. 'Three Hittite Etymologies,'Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 93 (1979)262-271 3hittiteetymologies
8. 'The Use of IKU in Hittite Texts,'Journal of Cuneiform Studies 32 (1980) 50-56 IKUinhittite
9. 'Some Aspects of "Aspect" in Mandarin Chinese,'Linguistics 18 (1980) 635-654chineseaspect
10. 'The Hittite Word for "Son",'IndogermanischeForschungen85 (1980) 90-95
11. '"God-Drinking": a Syntactic Transformation in Hittite,'Journal of Indo-European Studies 9(1981) 245-254god-drinking12. 'The Second Singular Personal Pronoun in Anatolian,'MünchenerStudienzurSprach-wissenschaft42 (1983) 151-165 2ndsingularpronoun13. 'A "New" PIE *men Suffix,'Die Sprache29 (1983) 1-26 men-suffix14. 'Pudenda Hethitica,'Journal of Cuneiform Studies 35 (1983) 137-145 pudenda
15. 'Notes on Palaic,'Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 98 (1984) 22-43palaicnotes
16. 'Hittite imma and Latin immo,'Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Sprachforschung 98 (1985)184-205 imma
17. 'Hittite uwaš and Congeners,'Indogermanische Forschungen 91 (1986) 102-115 uwas
18. 'Proto-Indo-European Velars in Luvian,' in Studies in Memory of Warren Cowgill (ed.Calvert Watkins)(1987)182-204 gscowgill19. 'Reflexes of *h3 in Anatolian,'Die Sprache33 (1987) 19-28 h3inAnatolian20. 'Final -r in Hittite,' in A Linguistic Happening in Memory of Ben Schwarz (ed. YoëlArbeitman) (1988) 215-234 final-r21. '"Thorn" and "Minus" in Hieroglyphic LuvianOrthography,'Anatolian Studies 38 (1988)29-42 thorn&minus
22. 'Luvian Lexical Notes,'Historische Sprachforschung 101 (1988) 211-243 luvlexnotes
23. 'New Luvo-Lycian Isoglosses,'Historische Sprachforschung 102 (1989) 23-45 luvo-lycian
24. 'PIE "dog" in Hittite?'Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft 50 (1989) 97-101 dog
25. 'Adjective Stems in *-iyo- in Anatolian,'Historische Sprachforschung 103 (1990) 198-207iyo-stems26. 'The Lydian Emphasizing and Reflexive Particle -ś/-is,'Kadmos30/2(1991) 131-142lydianreflexive27. 'Death and the Hittite King,' in Perspectives on Indo-European Language, Culture andReligion. Studies in Honourof Edgar C. Polomé (ed. Roger Pearson) (1991) 1.182-188fspolomé
28. 'Relative Chronology and Anatolian: the Vowel System' in Rekonstruktion und RelativeChronologie, Akten der VIII.Fachtagung der indogermanischen Gesellschaft (ed. R.Beekes et al.) (1992) 41-53 relchron29. 'The Third Person Present in Lydian,'IndogermanischeForschungen97 (1992) 31-543rdpresentlydian
30. 'Hittite Vocalism,' in Per unagrammaticaittita (ed. OnofrioCarruba) (1992) 183-196hittitevocalism31. 'The Middle Voice in Lycian,'HistorischeSprachforschung105 (1992)189-199 lycianmiddle32. 'A New Interpretation of Lines c 3-9 of the Xanthos Stele,' in Aktendes II. InternationalenLykien-Symposions(edd. J.Borchhardt& G. Dobesch) (1993) 1.31-34 xanthosc3-933. 'A New Anatolian "Law of Finals",'Journal of Ancient Civilizations 8 (1993) 105-113lawoffinals34. 'Historical Phonology of Anatolian,'Journal of Indo-European Studies 21 (1993) 237-257anathistphon35. 'Remarks on Some New Readings in Carian,'Kadmos32 (1993) 77-86 carianremarks36. 'The Feminine Gender in Anatolian,' in Früh-, Mittel-, Spätindogermanisch. Akten der IX.Fachtagung derindogermanischen Gesellschaft (ed. George Dunkel et al.) (1994)231-244 feminine37. 'Anatolian', in Languesindo-européennes(ed. Françoise Bader) (1994) 121-136
38. 'PIE *y > Lydian d,' in Iranian and Indo-European Studies. Memorial Volume of O. Klíma(ed. P. Vavroušek) (1994)181-187 lydiand39. '"Cop's Law" in Common Anatolian,' in In honorem Holger Pedersen. Kolloquium derindogermanischenGesellschaft vom 26. bis 28. März 1993 in Kopenhagen (ed. JensRasmussen) (1994) 297-306 cop's_law40. 'Indo-European Languages of Anatolia,' in Civilizations of the Ancient Near East (ed. JackSasson) (1995)4.2151-2159 cane41. 'Nominal Inflection in Neo-Hittite,' in Attidel II CongressoInternazionaledi Hittitologia(ed. O. Carruba et al.) (1995)269-274 NHnominfl42. 'Anatolian Hieroglyphs,' in The World's Writing Systems (edd. William Bright and PeterDaniels) (1996) 120-124hluvianscript43. 'Lycia. Language' and 'Lydia. Language,' in Oxford Classical Dictionary, 3rd ed. (edd. S.Hornblower& A. Spawforth)(1996) 895, 899 lycian-lydian44. 'Hittite Phonology,' in Phonologies of Asia and Africa (ed. Alan S. Kaye) (1997) 557-56745. 'Luvian /ta:na-/ "sanctified, inviolable",'HistorischeSprachforschung107 (1997) 47-51 tana46. 'Denominative Verbs in Anatolian,' in Studies in Honor of JaanPuhvel. Part One. AncientLanguages and Philology(ed. D. Disterheft et al.) (1997) 131-138 denomverbs47. 'PIE Dental Consonants in Lydian,' in Festschrift for Eric P. Hamp. Volume II (ed. D. Q.Adams) (1997) 32-47lydiandentals48. 'Syncope and Anaptyxis in Hittite,' in Sound Law and Analogy. Papers in honor of Robert S.P. Beekes on theoccasion of his 60th birthday (ed. A. Lubotsky) (1997) 177-180 FSbeekes
49. 'Traces of a PIE Aspectual Contrast in Anatolian?'IncontriLinguistici20 (1997) 83-92incling20
50. 'Poetic Meter and Phrasal Stress in Hittite,' in MírCurad. Studies in Honor of CalvertWatkins (edd. J. Jasanoff, H.C. Melchert& L. Oliver) (1998) 483-494 fswatkins51. 'Hittitearku- "chant, intone" vs. arkuwāi-"make a plea",'Journal of Cuneiform Studies 50(1998) 45-51arku-52. 'The Dialectal Position of Anatolian within Indo-European,'Proceedings of the 24th Meetingof the BerkeleyLinguistics Society, Special Session on Indo-European Subgroupingand Internal Relations (ed. B. Bergenet al.) (1998) 24-31 berkeley53. 'Aspects of Verbal Aspect in Hittite,' in UluslararasıHititolojiKongresiBildirleri. Acts of theIIIrd InternationalCongress of Hittitology, Çorum, Sep. 16-22, 1996 (ed. S. Alp & A. Süel)(1998) 413-418 aspect154. 'Two Problems of Anatolian Nominal Derivation,' in CompositionesIndogermanicae inmemoriam Jochem Schindler(ed. H. C. Luschützky and H. Eichner) (1998) 365-375GSschindler
55. 'I contributi del luviogeroglificoaglistudi di indoeuropeistica,' in Il GeroglificoAnatolico. Attidel ColloquiodellatavolarotondaNapoli-Procida, 5-9 giugno1995 (ed. M. Marazzi)(1998) 259-265 procida56. 'Once more Greek tolúpē,'Orpheus 8 (Memorial Volume for V. Georgiev) (1998) 47-51tolupe57. 'Hittite karzan- "basket of wool",' inStudi e Testi II (= Eothen 10) (ed. S. de Martino & F.Imparati) (1999) 121-133karzan58. 'Carian mdoΩun"we have established",'Kadmos 38 (1999) 33-41 carianmdoWun
59. 'Once More on the Conclusion of the Lycian Trilingual of the Létôon, HistorischeSprach-forschung 112 (1999) 75-77letoonend
60. '"(Zu)eignung" in Anatolian and Indo-European,' in Celtica et Indogermanica. Festschrift fürW. Meid zum 70.Geburtstag (edd. P. Anreiter & E. Jerem) (1999) 243-247 fsmeid
61. 'Hittite tuk(kan)zi,'Ktema 24 (1999) 17-23 (À la mémoire de Lisbeth Franck) tukkanzi
62. 'Aspects of Cuneiform LuvianNominal Inflection,' in The Asia Minor Connexion. Studies onthe Pre-Greek Languagesin Memory of Charles Carter (ed. YoëlArbeitman) (2000)173-183 gscarter63. 'Tocharian Plurals in -nt- and Related Phenomena,'Journal of Tocharian and Indo-EuropeanStudies9 (2000) 53-75plurals in -nt-64. 'Hittite Nominal Stems in -il,' in Anatolischund Indogermanisch/Anatolicoe indoeuropeo (edd.O. Carruba& W. Meid(2001) 263-272 il-stems65. 'Hittite damnaššara-"domestic"/dDamnaššareš"household deities",'Journal of Ancient NearEastern Religions 1(2002) 150-157 damnassara66. 'Tarhuntassa in the SüdburgHieroglyphic Inscription,' in Recent Developments in HittiteArchaeology and History.Papers in Memory of Hans G. Güterbock(edd. A. Yener & H.Hoffner) (2002) 137-143 tarhuntassa
67. 'A Hittite Fertility Rite?' in Akten des IV. internationalen Kongresses für Hethitologie.Würzburg 4.-8. Oktober 1999(ed. G. Wilhelm) (2002) 404-409 ararkiskanzi
68. 'Sibilants in Carian,' in Novalis Indogermanica. Festschrift für Günter Neumann zum 80.Geburtstag (edd. M. Fritz& S. Zeilfelder) (2002) 305-313 cariansibilants
69. 'The God Sandain Lycia?' in Silva Anatolica. Anatolian Studies Presented to MaciejPopkoon the Occasion of His65th Birthday (ed. P. Taracha) (2002) 241-251 FSpopko
70. 'Covert Possessive Compounds in Hittite,' in The Linguist's Linguist. A Collection of Papersin Honor of AlexisManaster Ramer (ed. F. Cavoto) (2002) 297-302 covertcompounds71. 'Sanskrit sárdigṛdi-,' in Indic and Iranian Studies in Honor of Stanley Insleron his Sixty-FifthBirthday (edd. J.Brereton and St. Jamison) (2002) 325-328 sardigrdi72. 'A Practical Approach to Verbal Aspect in Hittite' (with Harry A. HoffnerJr.), in AnatoliaAntica. Studiin memoria diFiorella Imparati(ed. S. di Martino and F. PecchioliDaddi) (2002) 377-390 gsimparati73. 'Hieroglyphic LuvianREL-ipa"indeed, certainly",' in Indo-European Perspectives (ed. M.Southern) (2002) 223-232REL-ipa74. 'Introduction; Prehistory; Language' (Chapters 1,2 and 5) in The Luwians (ed. C. Melchert)(2003) 1-7, 8-26, and170-21075. 'The Dialectal Position of Lycian and Lydian with Anatolian,' in Liciae Lidia prima dell'Ellenizzazione. Atti delConvegnointernazionale. Roma, 11-12 ottobre 1999 (ed. M.Giorgieri et al.) (2003) 265-272 lica&lidia76. 'Hittite Nominal Stems in -anzan-,' in Indogermanisches Nomen. Akten der Arbeitstagung derIndogermanischenGesellschaft/Society for I-E Studies/Société des Etudes Indo-Européennes. Freiburg 19. bis 21.September 2001(ed. E. Tichy et al.) (2003) 129-139sumanzan77. 'PIE "thorn" in Cuneiform Luvian?', in Proceedings of the 14th Annual UCLA Indo-EuropeanConference,ed.K. Jones-Bley et al.) (2003) 145-161 thorn78. 'Hittite antaka-"loins" and an Overlooked Myth about Fire,' in Hittite Studies in Honor ofHarry A. Hoffner Jr. (ed. G.Beckman, R. Beal & G. McMahon) (2003) 281-287 FShoffner
79. 'Hieroglyphic Luvian Verbs in -min(a),' in Per Aspera ad Asteriskos. StudiaIndogermanica inhonorem Jens ElmegårdRasmussen sexagenariiIdibusMartiis anno MMIV (ed. A.Hyllested et al.) (2004) 355-362 mina80. 'The Inflection of Some Irregular Luvian Neuter Nouns,' in Šarnikziel. HethitologischeStudien zum Gedenken anEmil Orgetorix Forrer (edd. D. Groddek and S. Rößle)(2004) 471-475 sarnikzel81. 'Luvian, Palaic, Lycian, Lydian, Carian,' in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World'sAncient Languages (ed. R.Woodard) (2004) 576-61382. 'A Luwian Dedication,' in Indo-European Perspectives. Studies in Honourof Anna MorpurgoDavies (ed. J. Penney)(2004) 370-379 fsmorpurgo83. 'Second Thoughts on PIE *y and *h2 in Lydian,' in StudiaAnatolica et Varia. Mélange offertsà Professeur RenéLebrun, Volume 2 (ed. M. Mazoyerand O. Casabonne) (2004)139-150 lebrun84. 'Latin insolēscō, Hittite šulle(šš)- and PIE Statives in -ē-' in Hṛdā́mánasā. Studies Presentedto Professor Leonard G.Herzenberg on His 70th Birthday (ed. N. N. Kazansky) (2004)90-98 fsherzenberg
85. 'The Problem of Luvian Influence on Hittite', in Sprachkontakt und Sprachwandel, Akten derXI. Fachtagung derIndogermanischen Gesellschaft 17.-23. September 2000, Halle ander Saale (edd. G. Meiser & O. Hackstein)(2005) 445-460 halle86. 'Indo-European Verbal Art in Luvian,' in La langue poétique indo-européenne (edd.G. Pinault and D. Petit) (2006) 291-298 luvianverbalart87. 'Medio-Passive Forms in Lydian?' in Studilinguistici in onore di Roberto Gusmani(ed. R.Bombi et al.) (2006) 1161-1166 fsgusmani.pdf88. 'The Boundaries of TarhuntassaRevisited,' in BelkısDinçolve Ali Dinçol’aArmağan(ed. M.Alparslan et al.) (2007) 507-513 dinçolsfs89. 'Hittite huwapp-, huppā(i)- and huppiya-,' in TabulariaHethaeorum. Hethitologische BeiträgeSilvin Košak zum 65. Geburtstag (edd. D. Groddek & M. Zorman) (2007) 513-51990. 'PIE *h2esp-‘to cut’,' in VerbaDocenti. Studies in historical and Indo-European linguisticspresented to Jay H. Jasanoff by students, colleagues, and friends (ed. A. Nussbaum)(2007) 253-258 fsjasanoff.pdf91. 'Hittite Morphology,' in Morphologies of Asia and Africa (ed. A. Kaye) (2007) 755-77392. 'Luvian Evidence for PIE *h3eit- ‘take along; fetch,'Indo-European Studies Bulletin,UCLA 12/1 (2007) 1-3 PIEh3eit.pdf93. 'New Light on Hittite Verse and Meter?,' in Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual UCLAIndo-European Conference, November 3-4, 2006 (edd. K. Jones-Bley et al.) (2007)117-128 ucla18.pdf94. 'Middle Hittite Revisited,' in VI CongressoInternazionale di Ittitologia, Roma, 5-9settembre 2005 (edd. A. Archi & R. Francia) (2007) 525-531 melchertrome.pdf95. 'Neuter Stems with Suffix *-(e)n- in Anatolian and Proto-Indo-European,'Die Sprache47 (2007/2008) [2010] 163-181 en-stems96. 'Hittite duwān (parā)'Morphology and Language History in honour of Harold Koch(ed. C. Bowern, B. Evans & L. Miceli) (2008) 201-209 fsharoldkoch.pdf97. 'Problems in Hittite Pronominal Inflection,'Evidence and Counter-Evidence. Essays
in honour of Frederik Kortlandt. Volume 1: Balto-Slavic and Indo-EuropeanLinguistics (edd.A. Lubotsky, J. Schaeken and J. Wiedenhof) (2008) 367-37598. 'Greek mólybdosas a Loanword from Lydian,'in Anatolian Interfaces: Hittites, Greeksand their Neighbors. Proceedings of an International Conference on Cross-CulturalInteraction, September 17-19, 2004, Emory University, Atlanta, GA(edd. B. Collins,M.Bachvarova and I. Rutherford (2008) 153-158 molybdos99. 'Deictic Pronouns in Anatolian,' in East and West: Papers in Indo-European Studies(ed. K. Yoshida & B. Vine) (2009) 151-161 melchertkyoto100. 'Discourse Conditioned Use of Hittite -ma,' in Form, Funktion und Diachronie. Aktender Arbeitstagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 24. bis 26. September2007 in Marburg(edd. E. Rieken & P. Widmer) (2009) 187-195 marburg101. 'Ablativ und Instrumental im Hethitischen und Indogermanischen. Ein Beitrag zurrelativen Chronologie' (with Norbert Oettinger), Incontri Linguistici 32 (2009) 53-73102. 'Hittite hi-verbs from Adverbs,' in Protolanguage and Prehistory. Akten der XII.Fachtagung der Indogermanischen Gesellschaft vom 11. bis 15.10.2004in Krakau (ed. R. Lühr and S. Ziegler) (2009) 335-339 krakow103. 'The Animate Nominative Plural in Luvian and Lycian,'in *h2nr. Festschrift für HeinerEichner (ed. R. Nedoma & D. Stifter) (= Die Sprache 48) (2009) [2010] 112-117104. 'Lidya Dili veYazıtları/Lydian Language and Inscriptions,' in LidyalılarveDünyaları/The Lydians and Their World (ed. N. D. Cahill) (2010) 267-272105. 'Hittite talliye/a- ‘to draw, allure’,' in Pax Hethitica. Studies on the Hittites andtheir Neighbors in Honour of Itamar Singer (edd. Y. Cohen, A. Gilan andJ. Miller) (2010) 226-232 fssinger106. 'The Word for ‘mouth’ in Hittite and Proto-Indo-European,'International Journalof Diachronic Linguistics 7 (2010) 55-63 PIEmouth107. 'Spelling of Initial /a-/ in Hieroglyphic Luwian,' in ipamatikistamatiparitumatimis.Luwian and Hittite Studies presented to J. David Hawkins on the Occasionof his 70th Birthday (ed. I. Singer) (2010) 147-158 FShawkins108. 'Hittite ḫar(ap)p- and Derivatives,' in InvestigationesAnatolicae. Gedenkschrift fürErich Neu (ed. J. Klinger, E. Rieken & C. Rüster) (2010) 179-188 gsneu109. 'Further Thoughts on Carian Nominal Inflection,' in Hellenistic Karia. Proceedingsof the First International Conference onHellenisticKaria Oxford, 29 June - 2 July2006, (edd. R. van Bremen and M. Carbon) (2010) 177-186 cariannoun110. 'Hittite talliyē(šš)- ‘be(come) calm, quiescent’,' in Issledovanijapolingvistikeisemiotike. Sbornikstatejk jubilejuVyach. Vs. Ivanov (ed. T. M. Nikolaev)(2010) 148-152fsivanov111. 'On Hittite mūgā(i)-,' in Studi di Ittitologia in onore di Alfonso Archi (ed. R. Francia& G. Torri) (= Orientalia79/2) (2010) 207-215 FSarchi112. 'The PIE Collective Plural and the “τὰζῷα τρέχειrule”,' in Indogermanistik undLinguistik im Dialog. Akten der XIII. Fachtagung der IndogermanischenGesellschaft vom 21. bis 27. September, 2008, in Salzburg (ed. T. Krisch& T. Lindner) (2011) 395-400 salzburg113. 'Indo-Europeans,' in The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Anatolia. 10,000–323 B.C.E.(ed. S. Steadman & G. McMahon) (2011) 704-716114. 'The PIE Verb for ‘to pour’ and Medial *h3 in Anatolian,' in Proceedings of the 22ndUCLA Indo-European Conference (ed. S. Jamison et al.) (2011) 127-132115. 'The Problem of the Ergative Case in Hittite,' in Grammatical Case in the Languagesof the Middle East and Europe. Acts of the International colloquiumVariations,concurrence et evolution des casdans divers domaineslinguistiquesParis 2–4April 2007 (ed. M Fruyt, M. Mazoyerand Dennis Pardee) (2011) 161-167116. ' Enclitic Subject Pronouns in Hieroglyphic Luvian,'Aramazd6/2 (2011) 73-86117. 'Genitive Case and Possessive Adjective in Anatolian,' in Per Roberto Gusmani.Studi in ricordo. Linguisticastorica e teorica, vol. II, tomo1(ed. V. Orioles)(2012) 273-286 gsgusmani118. 'Luvo-Lycian Dorsal Stops Revisited,'The Sound of Indo-European 2 (ed. R. Sukač and O.Šefčík) (2012) 206-218 melchertSofIE2119. 'Hittite “Heteroclite” s-Stems,' in Multi NominisGrammaticus. Studies in Classical andIndo-European linguistics in honor of Alan. J. Nussbaum on the occasion of hissixty-fifth birthday (ed. A. Cooper, J. Rau, and M. Weiss) (2012) 175-184120. 'Hittite ḫi-Verbs of the Type -āC1i, -aC1C1anzi,'IndogermanischeForschungen117(2012) 173-185 melchertIF117121. 'Dative-Locative Objects of Infinitives in Anatolian,' in Von Fall zu Fall – Studienzurindogermanischen Syntax (= HistorischeSprachforschung125) (2012) [2014] 242-247122. 'Motivations for Hittite Mythological Texts,'Writing Down the Myths: the Construction ofMythology in Classical & Medieval Traditions (ed. J. Nagy) (2013) 257-264123. 'Luvian Language in “Luvian” Rituals in Hattusha,'Beyond Hatti: A Tribute to GaryBeckman (edd. B. Collins & P. Michalowski) (2013) 159-172 melchertFSbeckman124. 'Hittite and Hieroglyphic Luvianarha‘away’: Common Inheritance or Borrowing?'Journal of Language Contact 6 (2013) 300-312 melchertJLC6125. 'Ablaut Patterns in the Hittite hi-Conjugation,' in Proceedings of the 24th UCLAIndo-European Conference (ed. S. Jamison et al.) (2013) 137-150 ucla24126. 'Naming Practices in Second and First Millennium Western Anatolian,' in PersonalNames in Ancient Anatolia (ed. R. Parker) (2013) 31-49 personalnames127. 'Agreement Patterns in Old and Middle Hittite,' in Grammaticaet verba. Glamourand verve. Studies in South Asian, historical, and Indo-Europeanlinguistics in honor of Hans Henrich Hock on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday(ed. S. Chen and B. Slade) (2013) 165-180fshock128. 'PIE *-eh2 as an “individualizing” Suffix and the Feminine Gender,' in Studies on theCollective and Feminine in Indo-European from a Diachronic and TypologicalPerspective (edd. S. Neri & R. Schuhmann (2014) 257-271melchertjena129. 'The Hieroglyphic Luvian Verb PUGNUS.PUGNUS,' in Na-wa/i-VIR.ZI/AMAGNUS.SCRIBA. Festschrift fur Helmut Nowicki zum 70. Geburtstag(edd. C. Brosch & A. Payne) (2014) 133-138 melchertFSnowicki130. 'Anatolian Stems in *-(C)o-,' in Nomen im Indogermanischen. Akten der Arbeitstagungder Indogermanischen Gesellschaft. Erlangen, 14.-16. September 2011 (ed. N.Oettinger and R. Steer) (2014) 205-214 melcherterlangen131. '“Narten formations” versus “Narten roots”,'Indogermanische Forschungen 119 (2014)251-258 melchertIF119132. 'Hittite nakku(wa)- ‘(spirits of) the dead’,' in Munusamicitiae Norbert Oettinger acollegis et amicisdicatum(ed. H. C. Melchert, E. Rieken & T. Steer) (2014)219-227 melchertFSoettinger133. 'Hittite išpar- “to spread out” and išparre/a- “to kick”,' in Proceedings of the EighthInternational Congress of Hittitology. Warsaw, 5-9 September 2011 (ed. P. Taracha)(2014) 499-506 melchert_išpar-134. 'Greek and Lycian' and 'Greek and Lydian,' in Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Languageand Linguistics (ed. G. Giannakis) (2014) 67-70 & 70-71 melchertlycianmelchertlydian135. 'Reciprocity and Commerce in Bronze and Iron Age Anatolia,' in Tradition andInnovation in the Ancient Near East: Proceedings of the 57th RencontreAssyriologiqueInternationale at Rome 4–8, July 2011 (ed. A. Archi) (2015) 409-16melchertRAI57(for complete volume go to http://www.eisenbrauns.com/item/RAI57)136. 'Alleged “Right Dislocation” in Hittite,' in Saeculum: Gedenkschrift für Heinrich Ottenanlässlich seines 100. Geburtstags (ed. A. Müller-Karpe, E. Rieken, and W. Sommerfeld)(2015) 137-145 gsotten137. 'Lycian alaha- and alada/ehali-,' in Genres épigraphiques et langues d’attestationfragmentaire dans l’espace méditerranéen (edd. E. Dupraz and W. Sowa) (2015)153-163 rouen_alaha-138. 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