The Forum for Classics, Libraries, and Scholarly Communication (FCLSC) will meet during the SCS/AIA meetings on Friday, January 11, 2018 from 9:00-11:00 am. The meeting room is Tremont, inside the Marriott Copley Place.
TheForum for Classics, Libraries, and Scholarly Communication (FCLSC) — also known as the Classics Librarians’ Forum — brings together librarians and researchers interested in classical studies, in order to promote timely exchange of information and ideas. Members also collaborate on projects of mutual concern. The impetus for the forum grew out of meetings at Princeton University and the Center for Hellenic Studies in 2004. As an officially affiliated group of the Society for Classical Studies since 2005, the Forum aims to support initiatives of the SCS relating to libraries and scholarly communication.
The officers of the Forum are Rhea Lesage (Harvard University), chair, and David Ratzan (Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, NYU), secretary. Their term lasts two years from January 2017 to January 2019.
Past chairs have been Gerald Heverly (New York University), Rebecka Lindau (American Academy at Rome), Catherine Mardikes (University of Chicago),Colin McCaffrey (Yale University), Lucie Stylianopoulos (University of Virginia), and David Sullivan (University of Notre Dame).
Agenda items include an introduction and update on a new instructional initiative and a report on the further development of the Open Greek and Latin Project which took some important steps forward earlier this Fall.
Minutes from past meetings are available for download below.
Toronto, 2017San Francisco, 2016New Orleans, 2015Chicago, 2014Seattle, 2013Philadelphia, 2012 with Zenon Presentation (PDF)San Diego, 2007Montreal, 2006Boston, 2005 (Initial Organizational Meeting)
FCLSC welcomes any and all who are interested.