Coming to Grips with the Corpus of Open Access Scholarship on Antiquity
In an
Ancient World Digital Library
In an
Ancient World Digital Library
Links to some things mentioned in the talk. A text of the talk may eventually appear here as well
- HathiTrust Digital Library
- Archaeology Data Service / Digital Antiquity: Guides to Good Practice (for example)
- Directory of Open Access Journals: DOAJ - Directory of Open Access Books: DOAB
- AncientWorld Online (AWOL)
- Abzu
- AWOL's List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies
- AWOL in WorldCat
- MARC records for the Packard Humanities Institute’s Latin texts database
- AMIR: Access to Mideast and Islamic Resources
- Middle East Librarians Association
- Dittenberger-Vahlen Collection of Classical Texts
- MetPublications
- Brooklyn Museum books online!
- The Oriental Institute Open Access Publications
- CEFAEL: Collections de l'Ecole française d'Athènes en ligne
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