Association égyptologique Reine Elisabeth publications now available in AWDL
The Ancient World Digital Library and the Association Égyptologique Reine Elisabeth are happy to announce the publication of electronic editions of several of the AERE's publications. The current selection of 7 AERE titles come primarily from the series Papyrologica Bruxellensia, which began in 1962 with T. Reekman's A Sixth Century Account of Hay (P. Iand.inv. 653). This inaugural volume is now available in AWDL, along with:Further volumes of Pap.Brux. will be added to AWDL soon and will be listed at this link. The ISAW Library is grateful to the AERE for the opportunity to provide online access to these publications.
- Mark Depauw, A Companion to Demotic Studies (Pap.Brux. 28, 1997)
- Marie-Thérèse Lenger, Corpus des Ordonnances des Ptolémées (C. Ord.Ptol.) (Pap.Brux. 24, 1990)
- R.A. Coles, Reports of Proceedings in Papyri (Pap.Brux. 4, 1966)
- T. Reekmans, La sitométrie dans les archives de Zénon (Pap.Brux. 3, 1966)
- Paul Bureth, Les titulatures impériales dans les papyrus, les ostraca et les inscriptions d'Égypte (30 a.C. - 284 p.C.) (Pap.Brux. 2, 1964)
- Jean Bingen (ed.), Au temps où on lisait le grec en Égypte: catalogue de l'exposition de papyrus et d'ostraca (1977)
As always, content in AWDL is freely available to read online in full resolution or download in either high- or low-resolution PDF format. In addition to searching for titles, you can also find titles by using the AWDL Atlas, a browsable map of all of the titles available on the AWDL site; by browsing for topics under the “Collections Overview” tab; or looking at individual series in the “Series” tab.