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An interactive web map of Hierokles’ Synekdemos

New Entry in Maps for Text Series
November 10, 2017 in Publication
The Center is excited to announce a new addition to the Maps for Texts series, an interactive web map of Hierokles’ Synekdemos, available here.  The map follows Hierokles’ text in Ernest Honigmann’s edition (Brussels, 1939), and aims to supersede his four maps.  With the Center’s Map Tiles as its base, the map marks all cities and regions which may identified and located with at least some confidence according to the Barrington Atlas and related publications listed below.  Greek names are transliterated as in the Barrington Atlas (see Directory, p. vii).  A full database lists all the place-names in the Synekdemos with references (thus including those that cannot be located and marked on the map).  In addition, the text of Honigmann’s edition of the Synekdemos (and of the geographic work of George of Cyprus) is accessible via the Center’s Dropbox.  On Hierokles and George of Cyprus, see further briefly, The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, ss. vv.

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