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ASOR’s Cultural Heritage Initiatives Weekly Reports

ASOR’s Cultural Heritage Initiatives Monthly Reports
ASOR’s Cultural Heritage Initiatives is a cooperative agreement between ASOR and the U.S. Department of State that is designed to document, protect, and preserve the cultural heritage of war-torn Syria and northern Iraq. Hundreds of significant heritage sites have been damaged since fighting began in 2011. Although the destruction of cultural property represents only part of the humanitarian crisis, these harmful actions threaten our common world heritage and the cultural diversity of the people in Syria and northern Iraq. We have an ethical obligation to respond, and our project is part of an international effort to work with Syrians to protect their heritage and cultural identity
September 2017 Monthly Report
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• Reported SARG-Russian airstrikes damaged Ebla, Idlib Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0167
• New photographs show damage to the Raqqa Museum as well as historical sites in Raqqa Governorate, including Heraqla, Qasr al-Banat, al-Rafiqah Wall, and Bab Baghdad. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0098 UPDATE, SHI 17-0106 UPDATE, SHI 17-0111 UPDATE, SHI 17-0122 UPDATE, and SHI 17-0127 UPDATE
• New video footage shows damage to al-Nour Mosque in Tal Afar, Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0074
• Ongoing fighting between two militias in Sabratha has damaged the theatre of Sabratha. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0022

• Five historic buildings were illegally torn down and replaced by a new construction in the old city of Tripoli, Tripolitania. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0023, LHI 17-0024, LHI 17-0025, LHI 17-0026, and LHI 17-0027

August 2017 Monthly Report
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• A local council is conducting conservation projects on al-Shughour Castle in Shughour Qadeem, Idlib Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0147
• A US-led Coalition airstrike destroyed al-Nour Mosque in Raqqa, Raqqa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0145
• The Day After Heritage Protection Initiative released a new report on damage to al-Daraj Historic Bath
• Yazidi inhabitants of Bashiqa rebuild 17 destroyed shrines in Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0069
• DigitalGlobe imagery shows damage to al-Kabir Mosque in al-’Ayadiya, Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0072
• A survey of archaeological elements in the Old City of al-Marj, Cyrenaica occurred. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0021

• Security forces prevented a large hoard of coins from Tripoli, Tripolitania from being smuggled out of Libya through Mitiga Airport. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0015

July 2017 Monthly Report
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• US-led Coalition airstrikes damaged the city wall of Raqqa, Raqqa Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0122)
• Hayat Tahrir al-Sham reportedly fired heavy weapons at Qal’at Harim, Idlib Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0132)
• The battle for Mosul damages the Old City of Mosul, Ninawa Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0065)
• New photos show graffiti on the al-Hadba Minaret and al-Nouri Mosque in Mosul, Ninawa Governorate (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0062)

• The aftermath of the Battle of Benghazi reveals severe damage to the Old City of Benghazi, including the Ottoman Municipal Building (ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0013)
• A Torah scroll, purchased in Zintan, Tripolitania, was recovered from two smugglers in Tunisia (ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0010)

June 2017 Monthly Report
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• Islamic factions are firing on Syrian-Kurdish opposition forces from the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Qala’at Simeon (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0112)
• Satellite imagery revealed damage to Syrian site of Heraqla concurrent with its recapture from ISIL by the SDF (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0106)
• Caches of artifacts were discovered in houses in Mosul (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0039)
• ISIL intentionally destroyed al-Nuri al-Kabir Mosque and al-Hadba Minaret (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0045)

• Satellite imagery and news reports confirm damage to the historic Libyan city of Benghazi (ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0005)

May 2017 Monthly Report
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• New video shows ISIL militants intentional destruction of antiquities in Deir ez-Zor Governorate, Syria. (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0081)
• An old house in Aleppo was purchased and is being dismantled for transport to Lebanon. (ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0086)
• New photographs show damage to the Maltai Reliefs in Iraq. (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0026)

• New photographs were released of damage to the Mosul University Library. (ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0016 UPDATE)

April 2017 Monthly Report
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• New reporting reveals scope of damage to Omar Ibn al-Khattab Mosque in al-Jeineh, Aleppo Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0038 UPDATE
• Reported Russian airstrikes damage an Ottoman-era hammam (bathhouse) in Sarmin, Idlib Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0072
• New video footage provides more information on ISIL looting of the ancient site of Nineveh. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 15-0097 UPDATE
• Popular Mobilization Front (PMF) captures the ancient site of Hatra from ISIL. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0024

• New photographs show the dismantling of a historic house in the Old City of Derna in Libya. ASOR CHI Incident Report LHI 17-0001

March 2017 Monthly Report
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• Video footage and photographs show the condition of the Palmyra Citadel, Homs Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0030
• Video footage and photographs show condition of the Roman Theater, Palmyra, Homs Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0032
• Newly released photographs show condition of Tetrapylon, Palmyra, Homs Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0033
• A reported US-led Coalition airstrike damages the Omar Ibn al-Khattab Mosque compound, Aleppo Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report SHI 17-0038
• New photographs and video show the extent of damage to the Mosul Museum, Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 15-0034 UPDATE
• More evidence of damage and new discovery at Nebi Yunus Complex, Ninawa Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0005 UPDATE
• Conservators removed spray paint from the Malthai Reliefs, Dohuk Governorate. ASOR CHI Incident Report IHI 17-0021

Prior to this, ASOR’s Cultural Heritage Initiatives project produced weekly reports:
Index of Weekly Reports
* Special acknowledgement to Olga Goussev-Sushinsky for creating this index.

Abdul Hamid Al-Zahrawi School, the (Qenaq al-Kikhya), 33:6 | 41:12 | 41:23
Abdullah Akhal, Mosque, the (Al Akhal Mosque), 45:26–30
Abdullah bin Abbas Mosque, the, (See also Al Ameriya Neighborhood, the) 75–76:1–2 | 75–76:7 | 75–76:18–19
Abdullah bin Masud Mosque, the, (See also Tariq al-Bab, neighborhood of, the) 97–98:2 | 97–98:21
Abdul Qadir Gilani Mosque, the, 103–104:52–56
Abi Taleb Mosque, the, 95–96:1
Abu Huraira Mosque, the, (See also Al Firdous, neighborhood of, the) 97–98:2 | 97–98:4 | 97–98:21
Agha Jaq Mosque, the, (See also Qadi Askar neighbourhood, the) 75–76:1–2 | 75–76:5 | 75–76:18–31 | 77–78:10 | 93–94:85–86 | 93–94:89–90
Aisha Mosque, the, (See also Al Zahraa, neighborhood of, the) 91–92:25–28 | 91–92:33
Al Adiliah Mosque, the, 79–80:2 | 79–80:27–31
Altounbougha Mosque, the, 47–48:6
Al Ameriya Neighborhood, the, 75–76:7 | 75–76:18 | 91–92:9
Al Aqsa Martyrs Mosque, the, (See also Tariq al-Bab, neighborhood of, the) 101–102:4
Al Bandara, area of, 33:41
Al Bandara Synagogue, the, 79–80:6
Al Batul Mosque, the, See also Zebdiya neighborhood73–74:2 | 73–74:6 | 73–74:9 | 73–74:36–37
Al Bayada Mosque, the, 55–56:87–88
Al Bayada Old Houses, 28:2 | 29:11–19
Al Dabagha al-Atiqa Mosque, the, 40:20 | 40:25
Aleppo Citadel, the, 1:1 | 1:17 | 1:20 | 2:1 | 2:5 | 2:8 | 5:5 | 5:10–11 | 7:1 | 7:19–24 | 9:1 | 9:6 | 10:1 | 14:1 | 14:14–17 | 16–17:8 | 18:2 | 18:21 | 19:4 | 20:3 | 21–22:4 | 23:24 | 32:7 | 33:6 | 34:6 | 40:16 | 40:20 | 41:2 | 41:22–23 | 41:38 | 42–43:2 | 42–43:52–63 | 45:3 | 49:1–2 | 49:7–11 | 53–54:20–24 | 65–66:1–2 | 67–68:1 | 67–68:16 | 67–68:20–22 | 77–78:8 | 77–78:12 | 79–80:1–3 | 79–80:7–14 | 79–80:16–17 | 79–80:23–27 | 79–80:42
Aleppo Citadel Museum, the, 79–80:8 | 79–80:10 | 79–80:12–15 | 79–80:17 | 79–80:19–20
Aleppo Project, the, 79–80:4 | 91–92:7
Al Farouq Mosque, the, (See also Karm al-Jazmati, neighborhood of, the) 91–92:25–28 | 91–92:32
Al Firdous, neighborhood of, the, (See also Al Huraira Mosque, the) 91–92:9 | 97–98:4 | 97–98:21
Al-Ghazali Mosque, the, (See also Al-Shuhaba, neighborhood of, the) 99–100:2 | 99–100:57
Al-Ghufran Mosque, the, (See also Al Khalidiyeh, neighbourhood of, the. See also Al-Shuhaba, neighborhood of, the) 69–70:58 | 69–70:60 | 99–100:2 | 99–100:57
Al-Haddadin Mosque, the, 1:2 | 1:17–18 | 2:6 | 5:1 | 5:12–13 | 93–94:85–86 | 93–94:93–95
Abi Taleb Mosque, the, (See also Jafar Bin Abi Taleb Mosque, the) 95–96:9 | 95–96:77
Al-Hajjar Mosque, the, (See also Suleiman al-Halabi, neighborhood of, the) 91–92:25–28
Al Hayyat Mosque, the, 40:20 | 40:22
Al Hussein Mosque, the, (See also Al Qaterji neighbourhood, the) 91–92:25–28
Al-Jalloum District, the, 40:1
Al-Kabir Mosque, the, 77–78:12 | 79–80:2 | 79–80:6 | 79–80:8 | 79–80:11–13 | 79–80:15 | 79–80:17 | 79–80:19–20
Al Kalassa, neighborhood of, the, 91–92:9
Al-Keltawia Mosque, the, 24:1
Al Khalidiyeh, neighbourhood of, the, (See also Al Ghufran Mosque, the) 99–100:57
Al Khayrat Mosque, the, (See also Al Sakhour neighborhood, the) 79–80:2 | 79–80:7 | 79–80:40–41
Al-Lairamon, neighborhood of, the, 91–92:9 | 101–102:5 | 101–102:78
Al Ma’arouf Mosque, the, (See also Al Sheikh Maqsood neighbourhood,the) 81–82:6 | 81–82:17
Al Ma’arouf Mosque, the, (See also Al Sheikh Maqsood neighbourhood, the) 79–80:6 | 79–80:17
Al-Maidani Mosque, the, (Al Almaji Neighborhood, the) 1:2 | 1:17 | 1:18 | 2:6 | 18:2 | 18:11–19 | 93–94:85–86 | 93–94:96–99
Al Manshiyeh neighborhood, the, 75–76:3
Al-Maqamat Mosque, the, (Mausoleum of Qarasunqur) 101–102:77–78 | 101–102:83 |
Al Marja, neighborhood of, the, 91–92:9
Al Mayser neighbourhood, the, (See also Muhi Al Din Bin Arabi Mosque, the) 81–82:6 | 81–82:17
Al-Meshatiya Mosque, the, 46:50–57
Al Midan, neighborhood of, the, (See also Armenian Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity, the) 91–92:9 | 95–96:80
Al Mokambo, neighborhood of, the, (See also Al-Rawda Mosque, the) 99–100:57
Al-Muhtaseb Mosque, the, 26–27:1 | 26–27:60–73
Al Nayrab Neighbourhood, the, (See also Zaid bin Haritha Mosque) 89–90:5 | 89–90:59
Al-Otrush Mosque, the, 1:2 | 1:17 | 1:22 | 1:23 | 2:1 | 2:5 | 2:9 | 20:3 | 20:5
Al Qaterji neighbourhood, the, (See also Al Hussein Mosque, the) 91–92:8 | 91–92:25–26
Al-Rawda Mosque, the, (See also Al Mokambo Neighborhood, the) 69–70:58–59 | 99–100:2 | 99–100:57
Al-Rumi Mosque (Mankalibugha), 32:4 | 32:11–29
Al Ma’arouf Mosque, the, (See also Al Sheikh Maqsood neighbourhood,the) 79–80:7 | 79–80:40
Al Sakhour neighborhood, the, 28:2
Al Saleheen Mosque (Ibrahim Saleheen Mausoleum), the, 101–102:3 | 101–102:77–79 | 101–102:84–87
Al Saleheen, neighborhood of, the, 101–102:3 | 103–104:57
Al Sayid Ali, neighborhood of, the, 91–92:9
Al Shami Mosque, the, 103–104:52 | 103–104:57
Al-Shuhaba, neighborhood of, the, (See also Al-Ghazali Mosque, the) 99–100:57
Al Sulaimaniyah, neighborhood of, the, 91–92:9
Al-Sawas Mosque, the, 42–43:4 | 42–43:42–45
Al-Sayyida Aisha Mosque, the, (See also Al Zahara neighbourhood) 85–86:1–2 | 85–86:8 | 85–86:28
Al Sheikh Maqsood neighbourhood, the, 81–82:6 | 81–82:17
Al Sukari neighbourhood, the, (See also Owais al-Qarni Mosque, the) 91–92:8–9 | 91–92:25–28
Al Tawabin Mosque, the, (See also Al Laraimon, neighborhood of, the) 101–102:5 | 101–102:77–78 | 101–102:80
Al Zahraa neihbourhood, the, (See also Al Sayyida Aisha Mosque, the, Aisha Mosque, the, and Great Prophet Mosque, the) 85–86:8 | 85–86:28 | 91–92:9 | 91–92:25–28 | 91–92:32
Armenian Catholic Church, the (Our Lady of Pity, Armenian Cathedral, St. Rita Cathedral), 36:9–18
Armenian Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity, the, (See also Al Midan, the) 95–96:2 | 95–96:80–94
Armenian Church of Forty Martyrs, the (Srbots Qarasnits Mankants Mayr Yekeghetsin), 39:4 | 39:17–19
Ashrafeya Neighborhood, the, (See also Salah ad Din Mosque, the) 93–94:85 | 93–94:87
Aslan Dada Mosque, the, 40:20 | 40:23–24
As-Sinjir Mosque, the, 23:1 | 23:19–24
Ayyubid Palace, the, 79–80:19–20
Azizeyah Neighbourhood, the, 75–76:2 | 75–76:42
Bab al-Ahmar Mosque, the (Oglebk), 51–52:2
Bab al-Faraj, neighborhood of, the, (See also Mawla Khan Mosque, the) 91–92:25–26
Bab al-Hadid and Suq al-Zeher, 16–17:2 | 16–17:63–75 | 24:1 | 25:3 | 46:50–57 | 91–92:25
Bab al-Maqam, neighborhood of, the, 101–102:8
Bab al-Nasr and the Maidani Mosque, the, 18:2 | 18:11–19
Bab al-Nasri, neighborhood of, the, 1:24–26 | 18:11–19 | 42–43:5 | 42–43:39–41 | 47–48:7 | 101–102:9
Bab Qinnesirin, 35:2 | 35:85–92
Bani Zaid, district of, the, 101–102:9
Banqusa Mosque, the, 1:2 | 1:17–18 | 2:6 | 4:2
Bimaristan Arghun Al-Kamili (Museum of Medicine and Science), 31:1–2 | 31:28–57
Bustan al-Qasr, neighborhood of, the, 91–92:9
Carlton Hotel, the, 41:12 | 79–80:8–14 | 79–80:17 | 79–80:21
Chamber of Industry, the, 41:12 | 41:27
Coral Julia Dumna Hotel, the, 41:28
data on, 1:4–5 | 2:3 | 4:4 | 7:1–2 | 9:3–4 | 9:25 | 10:2–3 | 12:4 | 19:3 | 20:1 | 21–22:1 | 26–27:6 | 26–27:14–15 | 28:5 | 28:7–8 | 29:3 | 29:5–6 | 33:1–2 | 37:1 | 37:7 | 38:1 | 39:1 | 40:1–2 | 41:1 | 41:8 | 42–43:1 | 45:2–3 | 49:6 | 53–54:3 | 69–70:11–12 | 73–74:6 | 81–82:4 | 89–90:1 | 93–94:9 | 103–104:3
el-Ibn Mosque, the, 26–27:4 | 26–27:14 | 26–27:15–21
Emmanuel Church for Armenians, the, (See also Al Manshiyeh neighborhood, the) 75–76:3
Farifa District, the, 40:1
First Armenian Evangelical Church of Emmanuel, (See also Azizeyah Neighborhood, the) 75–76:1 | 75–76:46–57
Furat Alghorba Mosque, the, 93–94:85–86
Grand Serail, 1:2 | 1:17–18 | 2:1–2 | 2:5–6 | 2:11–13 | 5:1 | 5:4–11 | 25:18 | 41:12 | 41:24–25 | 79–80:8–9 | 79–80:12 | 79–80:14 | 79–80:17 | 79–80:21–23
Great Prophet Mosque, the, (See also Al Zahraa, neighborhood of, the) 91–92:25–28
Great Umayyad Mosque, the, 2:1 | 9:1 | 9:8–9 | 10:1 | 26–27:2 | 26–27:4 | 26–27:10–13 | 40:16 | 40:20 | 40:26 | 67–68:17 | 83–84:7 | 93–94:6 | 93–94:85 | 93–94:87 | 95–96:62
Haddad, temple of, the, (See also Hittite Temple of the Weather God, the) 77–78:12 | 79–80:8 | 79–80:10–16 | 79–80:19–20
Hammam el-Nahasin, 51–52:2
Hammam Yalbugha, 1:2 | 1:18 | 2:7 | 2:11–12 | 7:1 | 7:5–6 | 25:2 | 25:13–22
Haron Dada Mosque, (See also Sajlikhan Neighborhood, the) 31:1 | 31:5 | 31:8–17 | 93–94:85–86 | 93–94:92–93
Hawl al Qalaa Street, 79–80:18 | 79–80:24–25
Helluk, neighborhood of, the, 91–92:9
Hittite Temple of the Weather God, the, (See also Haddad, temple of, the) 9:1 | 9:6–7 | 42–43:52 | 42–43:62–63 | 67–68:20 | 77–78:12 | 79–80:8 | 79–80:10–17 | 79–80:19–20
Ibrahim Mosque, the, 79–80:8 | 79–80:10–15 | 79–80:17–19
Jaafar Bin Abi Taleb Mosque, the, (See also Al Haydaryeh neighborhood, the) 95–96:9 | 95–96:77
Jdeideh Quarter, the, 38:2 | 38:28–29 | 40:1 | 69–70:12–15
Jisr al-Hajj, neighborhood of, the, (See also Sabareen Mosque, the. ) 97–98:21
Karm al-Jazmati, neighborhood of, the, 91–92:25 | 91–92:27
Khan al-Basha, 26–27:4 | 26–27:14 | 30:2 | 30:46–53
Khan al-Messri, 20:2–5
Khan al-Sabun, 41:12 | 41:15
Khan al-Shouna, 1:2 | 1:19 | 2:7 | 9:1 | 9:63–68 | 11:1 | 41:12 | 41:16 | 65–66:1 | 67–68:1 | 79–80:8–9 | 79–80:12–14 | 79–80:17 | 79–80:19 | 79–80:21–23
Khan at Tutun Mosque, the, 23:19–24
Khan Slaimanyeh, 41:12–14
Kiltawiye Mosque, the, 25:3
Madrasa Adiliyeh, 40:20–21
Madrasa al-Atabikiyya (Al-Keltawia Mosque), 24:1 | 24:28–34 | 25:3
Madrasa al-Halawiya, 40:20 | 40:24
Madrasa al-‘Utmaniya, 24:35–52
Madrasa as-Sahibiyah (Al-Fustuq Mosque), 1:2 | 1:17–18 | 2:6.
Madrasa as-Sultaniya, 40:20–21
Madrasa Firdows, 20:1 | 20:9–34
Madrasa Halawiya, 40:20
Madrasa Khusruwiyeh, 1:2 | 1:19–20 | 2:7–8 | 5:4 | 9:1 | 9:63–68 | 11:1 | 79–80:8–9 | 79–80:12–13 | 79–80:17 | 79–80:21–23
Madrasa Shazbakhtiya complex, the, 40:16–19
Madrasa Sultaniyeh, 1:2 | 1:19 | 2:8 | 18:1 | 18:21–22 | 19:1 | 19:4–13 | 40:20 | 79–80:8–9 | 79–80:12–13 | 79–80:17 | 79–80:19 | 79–80:21–23
Mamluk Throne Hall, the, 79–80:8–9 | 79–80:12–13 | 79–80:15 | 79–80:17 | 79–80:20–21
Ma’rouf Ibn Jamr Shrine and Mosque, the, 40:16–19
Matbakh al-Ajami, 30:6 | 30:24–37 | 40:1 | 40:20 | 40:30 | 79–80:8 | 79–80:10 | 79–80:12–14 | 79–80:17
Maqam Ibrahim Salihin (Shrine of Abraham), 1:1 | 1:12–16 | 8:3
Mawla Khan Mosque, the (Takiyya al-Mawlawiye) 91–92:25–28
Muhi Al Din Bin Arabi Mosque, the, (Maysar neighbourhood, the) 81–82:6 | 81–82:17
Nabhanyiah Institute, the (Nahdat House of Religious Science) 91–92:25–31
National Museum of, the, 101–102:1–2 | 101–102:4–5 | 101–102:57–67 | 103–104:1–2 | 103–104:4 | 103–104:58–60
Nour Eddin, Mosque, the, 42–43:61 | 55–56:10
Owais al-Qarni Mosque, the, (See also Al Sukari neighbourhood, the) 91–92:8 | 91–92:25–29
Qa’alet al-Sherif, Mosque of, the, 55–56:6
Qadi al-Askar Mosque, 30:2 | 30:38–45 | 93–94:85–86 | 93–94:90–92
Qadi Askar neighborhood, the, (See also Agha Jag Mosque, the and Qadi Askar Mosque, the) 75–76:5 | 75–76:18 | 93–94:85
Qala’at Najm, 11:2 | 11:5–6 | 24:21–22
Qastel al-Harami, neighborhood of, 26–27:14–34 | 26–27:55–59 | 32:3 | 32:31
Qastel al-Harami Mosque, the (Bardabak Mosque), 26–27:4 | 26–27:14 | 26–27:21–34
rescue efforts, 32:4 | 39:4 | 95–96:3
Sabaa Bahrat Square Area, the, 21–22:3 | 21–22:48–50 | 23:2 | 23:21
Sabareen Mosque, the, (See also Jisr al-Hajj, neighborhood of, the) 97–98:2 | 97–98:21–24
Sahabia Mosque, the, 1:2
Sahib bin Sinan al-Roumi Mosque , the, 95–96:2 | 95–96:77–79
Sajlikhan Neighborhood, the, (See also Haron Dada Mosque, the) 93–94:85
Salaheddin, neighborhood of, the, 89–90:14
Salhin, neighbourhood of, the, 91–92:9
Sakhur neighborhood, the, (See also Khayrat Mosque, the) 79–80:40 | 91–92:9
Sazbakhtiya Complex, the, 40:16–19
Senkler Mosque, the, 26–27:4 | 26–27:14
Sheikh Mohammed Nabhan, tomb of (also Madrasa al-Atabikiyya), 24:1 | 24:28–34 | 25:3
Shuhada Al-Aqsa Mosque, the, (See also Tariq al Bab Neighbourhood, the) 101–102:77–78 | 101–102:81–83
St. Elias, Maronite Cathedral of, the, 36:3 | 36:27–31 | 40:20 | 40:27–29
Sulemaniyah, neighborhood of, the, (See also St. Demetrius Melkite Greek Catholic Church) 99–100:59
Suleiman al-Halabi, neighborhood of, the, 91–92:25 | 91–92:27
Suq al-Madina, 40:1 | 77–78:12
Suq al-Nahasin, 55–56:6
Suq al-Sweiqa, 21–22:48 | 32:30 | 41:12 | 41:17–18
Suq al-Siyyagh, 41:12 | 41:26
Suq al-Zarb, 40:16–19 | 41:12 | 41:17–18 | 79–80:8–9 | 79–80:12–14 | 79–80:17
Suq Qara Qamash, 79–80:8–9 | 79–80:12–14 | 79–80:17
Tariq al-Bab, neighborhood of, the, (See also Abdullah bin Masud Mosque, the, and Al Aqsa Martyrs Mosque, the) 97–98:21 | 101–102:4 | 101–102:78
Textile Suq, 41:12 | 41:19
Zaid bin Haritha Mosque, the, (also Al Nayrab Neighbourhood, the) 89–90:2 | 89–90:5 | 89–90:59
Zebdiya, neighborhood of, the, 73–74:1–2 | 73–74:6 | 73–74:9 | 73–74:36

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