[First posted in AWOL 27 December 2013, updated 21 October 2017]
The Old Potter's Almanack
ISSN-Print: 0965-7479
ISSN- Internet: 2055-6543
The Old Potter's Almanack
ISSN-Print: 0965-7479
ISSN- Internet: 2055-6543
THE OLD POTTER‟S ALMANACK is the joint letter of the Ceramic Petrology Group and the Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group.
Vol 21, No 1 (2016)
Table of Contents
Michela Spataro 1Articles
Marianna Kulkova, Alexander Kulkov 2-12
Nasim Qanbari-Taheri, Parviz Holakooei 12-18
Michela Spataro 18-21
Vol 21, No 1 (2016)