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Digital Roman Heritage Portal

Digital Roman Heritage Portal

This portal offers links to PROJECTS, RESOURCES, TOOLS, ORGANIZATIONS that are related to the Roman Legacy.

4D Research Lab Amsterdam

Digitizing Visual Memories in Architecture and Cityscapes
American Academy of Rome – Resources
Links to useful research databases, maps & GIS and other online resources with regard to Rome
Ancient World Mapping Center
Interdisciplinary Research Center promoting cartography, historical geography, and geographic information science within the field of ancient studies

Aquae Urbis Romae

Interactive cartographic history of the waters of the city of Rome


Central Object database of the German Archaeological Institute and the Archaeological Institute of the University of Cologne


A framework for linguistic annotation and curation


Integrates existing archaeological research data infrastructures


Database, treasure trove and toolbox for those interested in the History of Culture

The Art of Making

An innovative digital project designed for the study of Roman stoneworking

Basilicas and Papal Chapels

Brings together practical and historical information on the Papal churches in Rome

Census of Antique Works Known in the Renaissance

Database of antique monuments known in the Renaissance, together with related texts and images

Challenging Testaccio

Research and Valorisation Project on the Roman neighbourhood of Testaccio


Software to enable distant reading of a text corpus and platform to enable a team to annotate


A digital collection of texts by Croatian Latin authors, and by authors somehow connected with people and region of today’s Croatia.


Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire

Descriptio Romae WebGIS

WebGIS of Rome based on maps in the Catasto Gregoriano, etchings by Piranesi and Vasi and archival documents


Digital Library of Late-antique Latin texts annotated according to TEI-XML standards

Digital Augustan Rome

Digital successor to the published book and maps of Mapping Augustan Rome

Digital Classicist Wiki

A hub for scholars and students interested in the application of humanities computing to research in the ancient and Byzantine worlds

Digital forma urbis

Digital Reconstruction of the Severan Marble plan of Rome

Digital Latin library

A resource for scholars and readers of Latin texts of all eras and genres

Digital Roman forum

Digital model of the Roman Forum as it appeared in late antiquity

Digital Sculpture Project

3D technologies applied to the capture, representation and interpretation of (ancient) sculpture

Digitale Topographie der Stadt Rom

Website of the AIS ROMA-project (Archaeological Information System Roma)


The Europeana Network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy

(GAP) Google Ancient Places

Discovery and usability of textual references to ancient world places


An interface for exploring and reading texts that reference ancient places


A digital geography for Latin literature


Geographical database of over eight million placenames


Database of the History of Dutch art and culture in Rome


Integrating Arachne and Perseus


Geospatial analysis of Herodotus’ Histories

Homer Multitext

Presents the textual transmission of the Iliad and the Odyssey in a historical framework


Information Technology Laboratory of the Italian ‘i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali’


A multilingual classification system for cultural content

Keys 2 Rome

A unique international exhibition that has launched simultaneously in Rome, Sarajevo, Alexandria and Amsterdam

Lacus Curtius

Website on Roman Antiquity, with many photos, texts, and resources

Lasciva Roma

Crowdsourcing Project to lemmatize and annotate the Latin semantic field of sexuality

Lateran Project

Research project into the scavi beneath the S. Giovanni in Laterano

Latin OCR

Training data and tools to optimize OCR process of Latin texts

Latin wordnet

Lexical database of Latin language

Linking Evidence

Interactive database of written and visual evidence concerning medieval and early Renaissance Rome


Interactive database of digitized books from the Bibliotheca Herziana, with a focus on the city of Rome

Mapping Notes and Nodes in Networks

Exploring potential relationships in biographical data and cultural networks between early modern Amsterdam and Rome, by linking various datasets

Mapping the Via Appia

Analysis and reconstruction of the 5th and 6th miles of the Via Appia by means of a 3D Geographic Information System

Mapping Visions of Rome

Annotates, connects and visualizes (humanist) Latin poetry about the city and symbol of Rome
Memorata Poetis
A search engine which is both lexical and multilingual, semantic and thematic.

Monumenta Rariora

The reception of antique statuary in collections of engravings

Musisque Deoque

Digital Archive of Latin Poetry


A web-based data management, network analysis & visualisation environment

Nolli App

An iPhone and iPad app with the “Nuova Topografia” by Giambattista Nolli.

Nolli Map

A digitized version of the map of Rome by Giambattista Nolli (ca. 1692-1756)

OmnesViae: Roman Routeplanner

A reconstruction of the Tabula Peutingeriana with internet technology

Open Street Map

Community driven open licence map of the world


The Stanford Geospatial network Model of the Roman world

Orbis Latinus online

A digitized version of the Orbis Latinus by Graesse (1909) (Lexicon of medieval and early modern Latin geographical names)

Ostia Antica

Website dedicated to Ostia, the harbour city of ancient Rome

Pede certo

Digital Latin metre: program for the automatic analysingof Latin verses


Enables linked Ancient Geodata in Open Systems


A gazetteer of period definitions for linking and visualizing data

Perseus (Tufts)

Digital Library of Classical and Renaissance Texts

Perseus (Chicago)

Perseus Projects Texts loaded under PhiloLogic

Plan de Rome

Virtual reconstruction of Rome based on the scaele model by Paul Bigot (1870-1942)


A community-built gazetteer and graph of ancient places

Poeti d’Italia in lingua latina

Digital archive of Latin poetry by Italian poets from the Middle Ages and Renaissance
Harvard University Research Guide for Digital Renaissance studies and Digital Humanities projects concerning the Renaissance

Roma Interactive

Website dedicated to the history and sites of Rome

Rome 320 AD

An application that blends graphics, narratives, videos and breathtaking 3D animations

Rome Reborn

3D models illustrating the urban development of ancient Rome


Interactive database of collections of the ancient genre of Wisdom Literature

Speculum Magnificentiae Romanae

Digital collection of Antonio Lafreris’ Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae


Spatial Information Laboratory of VU University Amsterdam


Tool for stylometric analysis of texts in different languages


Tool for intertextual analysis of Greek and Latin texts


Interdiscplinary portal of papyrological and epigraphical resources

UCLA RomeLab

Multidisciplinary research group using the physical and virtual city of Rome as point of departure

Vatican Exhibit

Virtual exhibition of material from the Vatican Library, dedicated to Renaissance Rome


Community-driven archaeological atlas of classical antiquity, inspired by and modelled after Wikipedia

Views of Rome

Interactive digital tool based on Pirro Ligorio’s 1561 map of ancient Rome

Virtual Rome

Digital model of Rome as it appeared c. AD 315

Virtual World Heritage Laboratory

Bringing 3D technologies to humanities research


Virtual Museum Transnational Network


Interactive information system for the humanities, with a focus on Rome

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