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Open Access Journal: Chronika: The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology Graduate Student Journal

[First posted in AWOL 5 May 2014, updated 16 October 2017]

Chronika: The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology Graduate Student Journal
ISSN: 2159-9904
EISSN: 2159-9912
Chronika is an interdisciplinary journal for graduate students studying the art and archaeology of the Mediterranean world. 
Chronika, like its parent organization The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology (IEMA), promotes interdisciplinary dialogues and innovative approaches to the study of the past. Chronika is an open access journal and aims to publish cutting edge research in a timely fashion and make it widely available to the scholarly community. We encourage collaborative, interdisciplinary scholarship by making the content of our journal freely available online.
Chronika is produced by University at Buffalo graduate students, but welcomes submissions from graduate students at other colleges and universities worldwide. Students are encouraged to submit an article here.
 Current Issue:
Chronika, Volume 6, Full Text
Letter from the Editor: 
letter from the editor.pdfletter from the editor.pdf
Size : 430.419 Kb
Type : pdf
Lina Diers, University of Vienna 
"Space and Identity in Roman Moesia: Rethinking Military and Civilian Spheres in a Frontier Province"
Diers 2016.pdfDiers 2016.pdf
Size : 2312.056 Kb
Type : pdf
Sylvain Vanesse, University of Liege 
"Between Street Vendors, Singing Slaves, and Envy"
Vanesse 2016.pdfVanesse 2016.pdf
Size : 1182.087 Kb
Type : pdf
Andy Lamb, University of Leicester
"The Rise of the Individual in Late Iron Age Southern Britain and Beyond"
Lamb 2016.pdfLamb 2016.pdf
Size : 1772.539 Kb
Type : pdf
Rachel McCleery, Florida State University
"Being Roman, Writing Latin? Consumers of Latin Inscriptions in Achaia"
McCleery 2016.pdfMcCleery 2016.pdf
Size : 1878.585 Kb
Type : pdf

Kaja J. Tally-Schumacher and Nils Paul Niemeier, Cornell University
"Through the Picture Plane: Movement and Transformation in the Garden Room at the Villa ad Gallinas at Prima Porta"
Tally-Schumacher&Niemeier 2016.pdfTally-Schumacher&Niemeier 2016.pdf
Size : 2737.709 Kb
Type : pdf
Heather Menz, University at Buffalo
"Insights Into the Function of Ireland's Souterrains"
Menz 2016.pdfMenz 2016.pdf
Size : 1769.441 Kb
Type : pdf

Katerina Glaraki, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
"Minoan Peak Sanctuaries of East Crete: A Walking Perspective"
Glaraki 2016.pdfGlaraki 2016.pdf
Size : 3209.504 Kb
Type : pdf
IEMA Travel Grant Reports: 
Erika Ruhl, University at Buffalo
"Textile Analysis in Northern Finland"
Ruhl travel report 2016.pdfRuhl travel report 2016.pdf
Size : 835.367 Kb
Type : pdf
Kathryn Grow Allen, University at Buffalo
"An Ottoman Cemetery in Romania: Report of Research Conducted with the IEMA Research and Travel Scholarship"
Grow Allen travel report 2016.pdfGrow Allen travel report 2016.pdf
Size : 1280.67 Kb
Type : pdf
Ashlee Hart, University at Buffalo 
"Interview with Dr. Attila Gyucha, 2015-2016 IEMA Postdoctoral Fellow"
Interview with Attila Gyucha 2016.pdfInterview with Attila Gyucha 2016.pdf
Size : 533.975 Kb
Type : pdf
Back Issues:
Chronika, Volume 5
Chronika, Volume 4
Chronika Volume 3
Chronika Volume 2
Chronika Volume 1

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