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Cuneiform Commentaries Project News

 Cuneiform Commentaries Project News 
We wish to notify you of nine new texts that have recently been added to the online editions of the Cuneiform Commentaries Project (http://ccp.yale.edu), a list of which is provided below.

Thanks are expressed to Shana Zaia for her editions of two texts, and to Klaus Wagensonner for reading the commentary on the Literary Prayer to Marduk 2 with us.

You are warmly invited to contribute any editions of commentary tablets you may have made for publication on the CCP website, for which you will, of course, receive full credit.

All the best,

Mary Frazer
Senior Editor of the Cuneiform Commentaries Project

CCP 1.2 (Lugale): In its current condition, this manuscript consists of four joined fragments from the centre of what must have originally been a large tablet with three columns on each side. The preserved text represents column II, which contained the Akkadian version of the base text; of column I – which contained the base text in its original Sumerian – only traces of the final signs in some lines remain. (Read more)

CCP 1.5 (Literary Prayer to Marduk 2): This small and badly damaged tablet contains a commentary that deals with the first sixty-eight lines of the literary prayer Lord, Sage of the Igigi, a text frequently styled, after Lambert’s pioneering edition,1 as Marduk no. 2. (Read more)

CCP 3.1.27.B (Enūma Anu Enlil 27(28) B): In its current state of preservation, this commentary deals with twelve omens derived from the appearance of the sun and drawn from the end of the ‘Babylonian’ recension of Tablet (‘Chapter’) 27 (28) of Enūma Anu Enlil, the divination treatise on omens derived from celestial and meteorological phenomena. (Read more)

CCP 3.4.8.C (Bārûtu 8 Kakku C): A small fragment from the top left of the obverse side of a multi-column tablet of a commentary on the eighth chapter of the divination treatise bārûtu, “extispicy.” This chapter is concerned with the “weapon,” kakku, a small piece of tissue that can protrude from anywhere in the liver. (Read more)

CCP 6.1.2.C (Aa I/5 (?)): This previously unidentified fragment belongs to a commentary on the lexical series Aa. It comments in all likelihood on a section concerned with the readings of the sign LÁ, a section that is unfortunately not preserved in the extant manuscripts of Aa. (Read more)

CCP 6.7.B (Weidner’s God List B): The lexical list known as Weidner’s God List (WGL) or Anum (after its incipit) was significant enough that it prompted numerous copies. Known exemplars reveal that this list was attested as early as the Ur III period and as late as the Neo-Babylonian period (Read more)

CCP 6.7.u1 (Uncertain): W 22712/1a is a fragment from Seleucid period Uruk that was found in the third level of the House of the āšipu1 and preserves 12 lines of text. The beginnings of these lines are lost and it is unclear if the preserved lines comprise one column in a multi-column text. (Read more)

CCP 7.2.u165 (Bird omens (?)): This fragment preserves remains of a commentary on an unidentified text. The first two lines of the reverse probably explain Jupiter’s name dapīnu, “violent,” which means that the base text might be astrological. (Read more)

CCP 7.2.u171 (Uncertain): There is no proof that this small, nondescript fragment belongs to a commentary. Although some cola are visible (ll. 2 and 3), the fragment may well belong to an incantation (as suggested by l. 4) or a bilingual text (as suggested by l. 3). (Read more)


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