How To Avoid A Manel And Beyond: Some Guidance For Classicists On Increasing Diversity In The Profession
by lizgloyn
The WCC UK is delighted to announce that How To Avoid A Manel And Beyond: Some Guidance For Classicists On Increasing Diversity In The Profession is now available for download!
The Women’s Classical Committee UK has put together this guidance to encourage colleagues putting together collaborative academic enterprises to consider how they might increase the diversity of their line-ups, and reach out to people who are currently not represented in a wide range of prestigious academic activity. This problem doesn’t just surface in classics – in 2012, Nature ran the numbers on who they were asking to act as referees for their papers, who they were profiling, and who was writing Comment and World View articles. They found that despite having a gender balance at the editorial and reporting level, they were asking a significantly lower proportion of women to take on these more visible, ‘authoritative’ tasks. This issue particularly affects graduate and early career colleagues, while established colleagues may find themselves refusing invitations sent to them because they are the only ‘visible’ woman in a given field.
‘How to Avoid a Manel and Beyond’ is designed as a straightforward and approachable guide to the issue for colleagues organising events, and for those wanting to raise issues with other colleagues in a constructive way. We encourage you to download the guidance, direct people to it, send it to people you think will benefit from it, and use it yourself.
We envisage this document as an evolving work in progress that will be updated to reflect best practice over time. If you have any thoughts or feedback, please do e-mail us at womensclassicalcommittee AT gmail DOT com.