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Godmy's Searchable Digitized Latin & Greek Lexica

 [First posted in AWOL 11 June 2013, updated 4 October 2017]

Godmy'sSearchable Digitized Latin & Greek Lexica

Lexica Latino-Graeca & Graeco-Latina:

1. Novum Lexicum Manuale Latino-Graecum & Graeco-Latinum (1767, ed. 1827, Benjamin Hedericus)
   - You can type the Greek with the Greek letters or you can type with the Latin letters, using the official Greek beta-code (see the picture): η = h; θ = q; χ = x; υ = u; ψ = y; ω = w; ξ = c
   - There is always an option to go to the next/previous page on the bottom of the page
        Gr-Lat: The cover, preface and other pages   and    Lat-Gr: The cover, preface and other pages
2. Schrevelius: Lexicum Manuale Latino-Greacum & Graeco-Latinum (1654, ed. 1832, Cornelius Schrevelius)
   - You can type the Greek with the Greek letters or you can type with the Latin letters, using the official Greek beta-code (see the picture): η = h; θ = q; χ = x; υ = u; ψ = y; ω = w; ξ = c
   - There is always an option to go to the next/previous page on the bottom of the page
   - Use the the arrow keys on your keyboard for easier navigation, if needed.
        Gr-Lat: The cover, preface and other pages

Scan: Google Books; Web/search tech. realization: Godmy; Idea, indexing of the pages, former tech. realization: Quasus

Lexica Graeca:

1. Etymological Dictionary of Ancient Greek (1860, F.E.J. Valpy)
   - You can type the Greek with the Greek letters or you can type with the Latin letters, using the official Greek beta-code (see the picture): η = h; θ = q; χ = x; υ = u; ψ = y; ω = w; ξ = c
   - There is always an option to go to the next/previous page on the bottom of the page
        Appendix and alterations   and    The cover, preface and other pages

Scan: Google Books; Web/search tech. realization: Godmy

Lexica Latina:

1. Etymological Dictionary of Latin (1827, F.E.J. Valpy) + an appendix
   - There is always an option to go to the next/previous page on the bottom of the page
   - An appendix is always accessible in the bottom of the page in cases, when you are required "to see an appendix"
        Additions and alterations   and    Preface

2. Forcellini: Lexicon Totius Latinitatis (Latino-Latinum) (1775, reprint 1940, Egidio Forcellini & Giuseppe Furlanetto)
   - In the search you have to make a distinction between J and I and U and V or it searches incorrectly!
   - Many thanks to Documenta Catholica Omnia which has supplied the PDF files and made them publicly available.
   - The indexing of the pages by Quasus.
   - There is always an option to go to the next/previous page on the bottom of the page
        Cover pages

3. Saxo: Vademecum in opus Saxonis et alia opera Danica compendium ex indice verborum (La-La, MEDIAE Aetatis) (1998, Franz Blatt & Reimer Hemmingsen)    N E W
   - FULLY DIGITAL and more important: with a search engine (done by me)
   - This version has been digitized before (without a search engine) by the author of this website, to whom I owe my gratitude!
   - Iohannes Brunensis has let me know about its existence.
        Preface   and    Ad Usum   and    Index abbreviationum

4. Wagner: Lexicon Latinum (Thesaurus, Latino-Latinum) (1878, P. Franc Wagner)
   - The distinction between J and I and U and V has to be made in the search to get correct results!
   - Personal thanks to Iohannes Brunensis, without whose blog I would never know about this.
   - Big thanks to Documenta Catholica Omnia which has supplied the PDF file and made it publicly available.
   - There is always an option to go to the next/previous page on the bottom of the page
        Abbreviations & Cover page

Scan: Google Books (mostly); Indexing of the pages, tech. realization: Godmy; Original idea by: Q.

Other languages dictionaries

Lexica Latino-Bohemica & Bohemico-Latina:

1. Sedláček: Kapesní slovník latinsko-český a česko-latinský (1936, reprint 2011 Levné Knihy, Prof. Dr. J. Sedláček)
   - Češtinu pište s diakritikou! Jinak vám to bude hledat špatně.
   - Vždy vespod stránky jsou tlačítka next/previous page, kterými lze přejít na další nebo předchozí stránku ve slovníku
   - Jednalo se o scan reprintu kapesního vydání (na které se nevztahují již autorská práva), tudíž kvalita písma i při vysokém
    scanovacím rozlišení nemůže dosahovat kvalit standardních formátů.
   - Scan též lehce utrpěl na kvalitě nutným převodem do dvou barev: čené a bílé (z důvodu velikosti/rychlosti)
        Dodatky a opravy   a    Obálka knihy a další

2. Schenk: Slovník k Caesarovým pamětem o válce galské - latinsko-český (1921, Rudolf Schenk)
   - Nejčastější výrazy, slovesa a hlavně vlastní jména/jména kmenů použita v Caesarovi, nejedná se o klasický lat-čes slovník.
   - Vždy vespod stránky jsou tlačítka next/previous page, kterými lze přejít na další nebo předchozí stránku ve slovníku
   - Na tuto knihu se již nevztahují autorská Práva.
        Seznam použitých zkratek 1 a Seznam použitých zkratek 2   a    Obálka knihy a předmluva

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