[First posted in AWOL 6 April 2014, updated 18 September 2017 (new URLs)]
Waly Center Journal
Waly Center Journal
The Waly Center Journal is a themed on-line publication that comes out three times a year. Each issue presents a different theme related to the built environment and usually reflecting a topic we are working on. The center produces the WCJ in-house and is open to outside contributions depending on the theme.
Issue No. 00
Issue No. 01
Issue No. 02
Issue No. 03
Issue No. 04
Issue No. 05
Issue No. 06
(Arabic) (Arabic) (Arabic) Issue No. 07
Issue No. 08
Issue No. 09 Issue No. 10 Issue No. 11 Issue No. 12 (Arabic) (Arabic) (Arabic) (Arabic)
See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies