$ 0 0 [Most recently updated 7 August 2017] Roundup of Resources on AmphoraeAmphorae ex HispaniaThe AMPHORAS ProjectAmphoreusAnfore BrindisineCentre Alexandrin d'Étude des Amphores Ceramic kilns and workshops in the ancient world: GeoJSON files for ceramic kilns of the ancient world, no chronological/spatial boundaries. Dicocer[1], Dictionnaire des céramiques antiques (VIIe s. av. n. è.-VIIe s. de n. è.) en Méditerranée nord-occidentale (Provence, Languedoc, Ampurdan)FACEM: Provenance Studies on Pottery in the Central Mediterranean Immensa Aequora TheLevantine Ceramics ProjectMicroPasts Folder: AmphorasPOTSHERD - Atlas of Roman PotteryRoman Amphorae: a digital resourceTerres d'Amphores: Base de données des pâtes d'amphores des ateliers en Gaule, du I er au III e siècle ap. J.-C.Have I missed any? Let me know.