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New Open Access Journal: ARCHEOSTORIE: Journal of Public Archaeology

ARCHEOSTORIE: Journal of Public Archaeology
Archeostorie Journal of Public Archaeology
ARCHEOSTORIEJournal of Public Archaeology is the open access peer-reviewedscientific journal that provides Italy with an arena to discuss issues such as the management and communication of archaeological heritage and, more widely, the role of archaeology into contemporary society. It produces insightful analyses on significant initiatives aimed at involving the public in archaeological and heritage issues, and bridging the gap between our past and modernity.
Despite the continuing growth of Public Archaeology as a field of studies, the Italian interpretation of the subject is still heavily under-investigated. As it was observed by Chiara Bonacchi (Public Archaeology, Vol. 12 No. 3, August 2013, 211–16 2009):
“This area is now beginning to be understood as concerned with the preservation, communication and public use of archaeology. However, the path towards a clearer definition of Archeologia Pubblica as a formal area of teaching and research requires further and more focused scrutiny if Public Archaeology is to become a way for Italian archaeologists to demonstrate public value and fight the consequences of the economic (and social) crisis we are experiencing.”
ARCHEOSTORIE aims to fill this gap encouraging academic debate on Public Archaeology in Italy and promoting and coordinating related activities.

AJPA - Volume 1

February 2017
The core of Archeostorie. Journal of Public Archaeology  consists of a Topic of the year section with papers that analyze a specific subject from several points of view, and a Satura Lanx section with papers beyond the main theme.
A News and Reviews section following the scientific papers provides readers with first-hand reportages and analyses of important events of the year. We also collect selected archaeological works of fiction in the Archaeotales section, as we are convinced that storytelling is a powerful way of involving people in the love and appreciation of our past. But let’s examine each section in depth.
Our choice for our first Topic of the year was Small but kind of mighty. Needless to say, we hope it to be auspicious for the Journal’s future. In fact, successful projects generally ‘start small,’ but are conceived by people who ‘think big.’ Even if they are actually ‘small,’ they can have an enormous impact on the community they grow in, or even on society at large. They may choose either to stay small or to grow, but in both cases they prove to be influential and powerful.
We looked for good small public archaeology projects whose powerful impact on society was clearly described and analyzed but, above all, measured. In short, we challenged archaeologists to evaluate their public outreach activities in depth. We are proud of the result and we consider it a first significant step towards the establishment in Italy of public archaeology as an accurate and stringent practice.

Table of Contents


Cinzia Dal Maso


Italy to Italians. Interview with Daniele Manacorda

Carolina Megale

Butrint before the Butrint Foundation

Richard Hodges

Topic of the year: Small but Kind of Mighty

‘Pompeii-mania' in schools Down Under

Louise Zarmati

Memory and earthquake. The Pilastri excavation project (Emilia Romagna, Italy) toward a shared community archaeology approach

Giulia Osti, Lara Dal Fiume, Simone Bergamini, Rita Guerzoni, Micol Boschetti, Valentino Nizzo, Margherita Pirani, Stefano Tassi

The case of the Arles Rhone 3 Project: an example of underwater heritage communication

Caterina De Vivo

The Virtual Etruscan Museum of Populonia Gasparri Collection: enhancing the visitor’s experience

Carolina Megale, Carlo Baione

Edutainment and gamification: a novel communication strategy for cultural heritage

Stefania Mancuso, Maurizio Muzzopappa, Fabio Bruno

Satura Lanx

Italian public archaeology on fieldwork: an overview

Francesco Ripanti

Disciplinary locus and professional habitus: the roles of Researcher and Discipline within the socio-political and cultural domains

Massimiliano Secci

Italian museums and Twitter: an analysis of Museum Week 2016

Chiara Zuanni


Akira Matsuda


The Lombards, a completely different story

Mariangela Galatea Vaglio

April 12th, 1204: Constantinople under siege

Francesco Ripanti

The Christmas Song of the custodian

Marina Lo Blundo


Living archaeology at the Archaeodrome

Francesco Ripanti

A wedding with surprise: orange blossoms at the museum

Nicoletta Frapiccini

How Millennials are changing our culture

Anna Paterlini

Being an archaeologist in Kurdistan. Interview with Luca Peyronel

Cinzia Dal Maso, Chiara Boracchi

The Monuments Men of Libya

Giulio Lucarini

Children's Corner

Tonight, we’re sleeping at the museum!

Giovanna Baldasarre

The source-chest

Nina Marotta


Warship battering rams on display in Favignana

Cinzia Dal Maso

Light on the new Salinas Museum

Flavia Frisone

The Riace celebrities

Giovanna Baldasarre

Agamemnon’s Version

Giovanna Baldasarre

Watching the world with Blu’s eyes

Cinzia Dal Maso

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