eTopoi Collections
The Edition-Topoi research platform is an innovative, reliable information infrastructure. It serves the publication of citable research data such as 3D models, high-resolution pictures, data and databases. The content and its meta data are subject to peer review and made available on an Open Access basis. The published or publishable combination of citable research content and its technical and contextually relevant meta data is defined as Citable. The public data are generated via a cloud and can be directly connected with the individual computing environment.
Ancient Sundials
Gerd Graßhoff,Elisabeth Rinner,Karlheinz Schaldach,Bernhard Fritsch,Liba TaubArchitectural Fragments from Magnesia
Martin Maischberger,Moritz Taschner,Stephan Zink,Ina Reiche,Heike Bücherl,Wolfgang Maßmann,Birgit Neuhaus,Anne Ristau,Cristina Aibéo,Ellen EgelBabylonian Diaries
Gerd Graßhoff,Gordon FischerBowPed TRPS Data
Daniel A. WerningConstruction Drawings
Gerd Graßhoff,Gordon FischerCylinder Seals
Markus Hilgert,Beate Salje,Barbara Feller,Anja Fügert,Helen GriesDigital Pantheon
Gerd Graßhoff,Michael Heinzelmann ,Markus Wäfler,Christian Berndt,Jon Albers,Oskar Kaelin,Bernd Kulawik,Ralph Rosenbauer,Nikolaos Theocharis,Michael LustenbergerHagia Sophia 3D
Volker Hoffmann,Nikolaos TheocharisInscriptiones Christianae Graecae
C. Breytenbach,K. Hallof,U. Huttner,J. Krumm,S. Mitchell,J. Ogereau,E. Sironen,M. Veksina,C. ZimmermannMedieval Diagrams
Gerd Graßhoff,Hans-Christoph Liess,Bruce Eastwood,Domenico SchneiderRock Paintings in Indonesia
Markus Wäfler,Gerd Graßhoff,Thomas Hofmeier,Gordon FischerRoman Villa of Capo di Sorrento
Stephan G. Schmid,Wolfgang Filser,Christoph Klose,Rosaria Perrella,Bernhard Fritsch,Will Kennedy,Angelika Walther
Architectural Fragments from Magnesia
Martin Maischberger,Moritz Taschner,Stephan Zink,Ina Reiche,Heike Bücherl,Wolfgang Maßmann,Birgit Neuhaus,Anne Ristau,Cristina Aibéo,Ellen EgelBowPed TRPS Data
Daniel A. WerningConstruction Drawings
Gerd Graßhoff,Gordon FischerRoman Villa of Capo di Sorrento
Stephan G. Schmid,Wolfgang Filser,Christoph Klose,Rosaria Perrella,Bernhard Fritsch,Will Kennedy,Angelika Walther