Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus
Welcome to the homepage of the project Ptolemaeus Arabus et Latinus(PAL). The website has now been implemented with a beta-version of the database and with samples of transcriptions and images.
The database currently includes the following:Two Transcriptions are available:
- Works: 120 entries giving cursory descriptions of Latin Ptolemaic works, that is, works by Ptolemy or attributed to him and commentaries thereupon.
- Manuscripts: over 250 entries for Latin manuscripts containing Ptolemaic works.
- Glossary: nearly 2000 Greek and Arabic technical terms from selected texts (Almagest I-II, Planetary Hypotheses, Planispherium, Tetrabiblos).
HD Images of a rapidly increasing number of Ptolemaic works can be accessed through the menu item Reproductions.
- Almagest, Latin translation by Gerard of Cremona
- Almagestum parvum
Implementation will continue over the coming months and it is anticipated that the alpha-version of the database will be available by the end of 2017. Feedback and comments are welcome at