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Open Access Journal: FOLD&R (Fasti On Line Documents & Research)

[First posted in AWOL 30 April 2012, updated 28 January 2017] 

FOLD&R (Fasti On Line Documents & Research)
ISSN: 1828-3179  (Italy Series)
ISSN: 2412-5229 (Conservation Series)

FOLD&R is an archaeological journal published since 2004 by the International Association for Classical Archaeology in collaboration with the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities.
The journal is dedicated to the proposition that reports on all excavations should be easily available to the general public. It is a peer-reviewed journal, with an editorial board that covers all of the archaeological disciplines. We welcome illustrated submissions, in English, Italian, French, Spanish or German, on recent Italian excavations or geophysical or surface surveys of individual sites. We guarantee a rapid review of the material, which, after any agreed changes, should be published within a month. Two sets of proofs will be submitted for correction by the authors. The reviewers are asked to address the scientific validity and presentation of the submission rather than the scale or importance of the excavation; all excavations are important. No translation is offered, but we are willing to advise on translators for anyone who wishes to publish their text in another language.
An on-line journal follows the same rules as those on paper from both an academic and a juridical point of view. Publications on FOLD&R are thus valid from the point of view of a personal curriculum and should be cited just like other publications. The law protects the intellectual property of the author and the journal. Texts are published in a pdf format, and they can be consulted online, with Acrobat Reader, and downloaded for printing and circulation to colleagues. Texts can be republished by their authors (although only by the authors) without permission from the review; however, we request that the first publication be credited to FOLD&R.

Texts and illustrations, in colour or black and white, should be sent to Helga Di Giuseppe, Piazza San Marco 49, Rome 00186 (tel. 39-06 68683399), or by email to helga.digiuseppe@aiac.org, The illustrations may be sent either as digital or paper files. If the site in question is not already part of the Fasti Online it must be accompanied by a completed Record Sheet

We will register each FOLD&R article at the CNR central library, the Biblioteca Centrale “G. Marconi”, that has established a database, SOLAR, which registers the deposition of digital scientific publications. Registration and certification by the CNR guarantees the author and the preservation of the work. We assume that the authors of submissions will authorize the deposition of their texts. The authors will receive, via email, the certificate of deposition, which can be annexed to their own FOLD&R for distribution.
FOLD&R Italy
The 5 most recently published FOLD&Rs
  • 373 - Emiliano Cruccas, Romina Carboni. 2017. Indagini archeologiche dell’Università degli Studi di Cagliari a Nora (CA) Progetto Isthmos - Campagne di scavo 2015-2016 . PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
  • 372 - Giulia Lodi. 2016. Testimonianze materiali dal territorio di Ariano Ferrarese (proprietà “Il Gombito”, Mesola - Ferrara). Alcuni casi di studio: anfore, lucerne, vasi potori a pareti sottili . PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
  • 371 - Roberto Perna, Gianfranco Paci. 2013. Una villa romana nel territorio di Pollentia-Urbs Salvia: Note preliminari sulle indagini archeologiche condotte presso Villa-magna (Urbisaglia – MC) Investigations at Monte Palazzi (Passo Croceferrata, Grotteria, Calabria) and in the Locrian chora in 2010-2012. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
  • 370 - Elisa Zentilini, Marcella Giulia Pavoni , Valeria Grazioli, Patrizia Basso – Università degli Studi di Verona - Dipartimento TeSIS. 2016. La via Claudia Augusta: recenti indagini archeologiche dell’Università di Verona a Gazzo Veronese (Verona) . PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
  • 369 - Francesco Belfiori . 2016. “Archeologia urbana a Senigallia” IV. I riti del costruire di Sena Gallica . PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
  • FOLD&R Archaeological Conservation Series

    The 5 most recently published FOLD&Rs
  • 4 - Alaa el Habashi, Tarik Moujoud, Abdessalam Zizouni. 2016. The Conservation and Reconstruction of the Islamic Bath at Volubilis, Morocco. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
  • 3 - Stefano De Caro. 2015. Excavation and conservation at Pompeii: a conflicted history.. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
  • 2 - Michele Asciutti. 2015. Restauro, riqualificazione e valorizzazione di aree di scavo archeologico: Valle del Colosseo/Palatino nord-orientale . PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
  • 1 - Sergio Palladino, Laura Bottiglieri. 2015. Ricostruzione e restituzione tridimensionale del corridoio e del viridarium della domus dei Valerii sul Celio, dagli scavi nell’Ospedale dell’Addolorata. PDFpermalinkRecord Sheet
  •  See also FASTI

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