[First posted in AWOL 12 November 2013, updated 23 January 2017]
Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics
e-ISSN 2373-7115
And see AWOL's List of Student Journals
Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics
e-ISSN 2373-7115
The Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics is committed to the progress and proliferation of scholarship in the field of Classics and to providing a common medium through which undergraduates from all relevant disciplines can actively engage in one another’s work. In order to establish a channel for interdepartmental exchange and collaboration, we seek to publish exceptional papers and translations from a wide range of fields pertaining to Classics and the world of the ancient Mediterranean.
Current Issue, Volume 5, Issue 1, 2016
Admin, BUJC
Letter from the Editors
Graves, Olivia; Lyter, JuliaArticles
The Liminal and Universal: Changing Interpretations of Hekate
Ou, Adrienne
The Advantage of the Stronger: Hercules and Cacus in Vergil's Aeneid
Trotz-Liboff, Leo
Charting the Unknown: Alice Kober, Her Phonetic Chart, and the Decipherment of Linear B
Wheeler, Brenna
First in Flight: Etruscan Winged "Demons"
Morris, Marvin
See AWOL's full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies