[Originally posted 9/27/10, Most recently updated 25 April 2013]
It used to be fairly common for specialized library collections to produce periodic Acquisitions Lists. Mostly these were circulated in print, informally. Some institutions have made the transition to email distribution, and others to digital. I'm gathering links here to them and to other useful open access periodic bibliography projects. Not everything listed here is up to date, but all of them are useful. I'll be grateful to hear of others and will happily include them in the list. Please leave a comment.
The American Numismatic Society Library, Recent Acquisitions
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens produces these:
The ABIA Project (Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology)
Bibliothèque des Sciences de l'Antiquité (Lille, France), Listes d'acquisitions
Bryn Mawr Classical Review: Books Available for Review
The Burnam Classical Library at the University of Cincinnati, Recent Acquisitions
Egypt Exploration Society Library
Joint Library of the Hellenic & Roman Societies / Institute of Classical Studies Library
KeiBi online: Die Keilschrift-Bibliographie im Netz
Neuerwerbungen der Heidelberger Sondersammelgebiete
Sackler Library (Oxford)
Tables of Contents for Journals for newly received journals at the James P. Boyce Centennial Library, Souther Baptist Theological Seminary
Wilbour Library at the Brooklyn Museum
Are there others you use online? Leave a comment and let me know.
It used to be fairly common for specialized library collections to produce periodic Acquisitions Lists. Mostly these were circulated in print, informally. Some institutions have made the transition to email distribution, and others to digital. I'm gathering links here to them and to other useful open access periodic bibliography projects. Not everything listed here is up to date, but all of them are useful. I'll be grateful to hear of others and will happily include them in the list. Please leave a comment.
The American Numismatic Society Library, Recent Acquisitions
The American School of Classical Studies at Athens produces these:
- Monthly Lists of Recent Acquisitions in the Blegen Library
- Monthly Lists of Recent Acquisitions in the Gennadius Library
The ABIA Project (Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology)
Bibliothèque des Sciences de l'Antiquité (Lille, France), Listes d'acquisitions
Bryn Mawr Classical Review: Books Available for Review
The Burnam Classical Library at the University of Cincinnati, Recent Acquisitions
Egypt Exploration Society Library
Joint Library of the Hellenic & Roman Societies / Institute of Classical Studies Library
KeiBi online: Die Keilschrift-Bibliographie im Netz
Neuerwerbungen der Heidelberger Sondersammelgebiete
Neuerwerbungsliste/New Acquisitons, Vorderer Orient einschl. Nordafrika, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle (ULB Halle)Ägyptologie
Klassische Archäologie
Kunstgeschichte bis 1945
Sackler Library (Oxford)
Tables of Contents for Journals for newly received journals at the James P. Boyce Centennial Library, Souther Baptist Theological Seminary
Wilbour Library at the Brooklyn Museum
Are there others you use online? Leave a comment and let me know.