[First posted in AWOL 5 Mrch 2012. Updated 7 December 2016]
APAAME: Aerial Photography Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East
APAAME: Aerial Photography Archive for Archaeology in the Middle East
APAAME is long-term research project directed by Professor David Kennedy and Dr Robert Bewley, and is based currently between the University of Western Australia and the University of Oxford . The project is designed both to develop a methodology suited to the region and to illuminate settlement history in the Near East. The archive currently consists of over 91,000 images and maps, the majority of which are displayed on the archive’s Flickr site.
Although principally focused on Jordan, in which there has been an annual programme of flying since 1997 (The Aerial Archaeology in Jordan (AAJ) Project), high resolution satellite imagery on Google Earth is now permitting research on neighbouring countries.We will be keeping you up to date on what we are finding, how we are finding it, and also taking you with us on our fieldwork in Jordan.