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Open Access Monograph Series: ICCROM Conservation Series Online

ICCROM Conservation Series Online
ICCROM is an intergovernmental organization dedicated to the conservation of cultural heritage. Its members are individual states which have declared their adhesion to it. It exists to serve the international community as represented by its Member States, which currently number 129. 

It is the only institution of its kind with a worldwide mandate to promote the conservation of all types of cultural heritage, both movable and immovable. 

The decision to found the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property was made at the 9th UNESCO General Conference in New Delhi in 1956, at a time of mounting interest in the protection and preservation of cultural heritage. It was subsequently established in Rome in 1959 at the invitation of the Government of Italy. 

ICCROM and the Conservation of Cultural Heritage: a History of the Organization’s first 50 years (pdf 7.8 MB);  Jokilehto, Jukka. ICCROM, 2011. (ICS11)
This comprehensive volume takes readers through half a century of milestones, achievements and events that has given ICCROM its identity as a major player, helping shape how the world’s cultural heritage is protected and restored to this day.
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Conserving the authentic: essays in honour of Jukka Jokilehto (pdf 3 MB); Stanley-Price, Nicholas; King, Joseph (eds.). ICCROM, 2009. (ICS10)
The book is a recognition to Jukka Jokilehto’s contribution and dedication to the conservation profession, in developing both theory and practice.
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Protection juridique du patrimoine culturel immobilier : orientations pour les pays francophones de l’Afrique Subsaharienne (pdf 3.8 MB); Rakotomamonjy, Bakonirina (ed.). ICCROM, 2009. (ICS09)
This book, published as part of the AFRICA 2009 Programme, presents the legal frameworks for immovable cultural heritage protection in French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa.
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Cultural Heritage and the law: Protecting Immovable Heritage in English-Speaking Countries of sub-Saharan Africa (pdf 5.4 MB); Ndoro, Webber; Mumma, Albert; Abungu, George (eds). ICCROM, 2009. (ICS08)
This book, published as part of the AFRICA 2009 Programme, presents the legal frameworks for immovable cultural heritage protection in English-speaking sub-Saharan Africa.
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Conserving Textiles: Studies in Honour of Ágnes Timár-Balázsy (pdf 6.5 MB)part 1(pdf 3.3 MB), part 2 (pdf 3,4 MB); Éri, István (ed.). ICCROM, 2009. (ICS07)
This compilation of articles honours Ágnes Timár-Balázsy, a renowned teacher of chemistry and the scientific background of textile conservation.
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Cultural Heritage in Postwar Recovery (pdf 4.8 MB); Stanley-Price, Nicholas (ed.). ICCROM, 2007. (ICS06)
The proceedings of the 2005 ICCROM Forum on ‘Cultural Heritage in Postwar Recovery’. Papers focus on: the dynamism of identity, records of memory, handicrafts and traditions, landscape and environment, and reconstruction.
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Legal Frameworks for the Protection of Immovable Cultural Heritage in Africa (pdf 1.1 MB); Ndoro, Webber; Pwiti, Gilbert (eds). ICCROM, 2005. (ICS05)
Papers resulting from the AFRICA 2009 seminar on Legal Frameworks held in Zimbabwe in 2002.
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The Preservation of Great Zimbabwe: your Monument our Shrine (pdf 4.2 MB); Ndoro, Webber. ICCROM, 2005. (ICS04)
Preservation plan for great Zimbabwe, Khami and other monuments, with references to training of personnel, general administration, legal protection of the monuments and their presentation to the public.
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Conservation of Living Religious Heritage (pdf 5.2 MB); Stovel, Herb; Stanley-Price, Nicholas; Killick, Robert (eds). ICCROM, 2005. (ICS03)
The proceedings of the 2003 ICCROM Forum on ‘Living Religious Heritage: conserving the sacred’. Challenges such as the conservation of objects and places of heritage value which need to be reconciled with their function as part of a living religion.
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Traditional conservation practices in Africa (pdf 3.7 MB); Joffroy, Thierry (ed.). ICCROM, 2005. (ICS02). Also available in French (pdf 4.2 MB).
This AFRICA 2009 publication contains thirteen papers on different aspects of traditional conservation practices in sub-Saharan Africa. Richly illustrated, the volume will be of value to all those interested in the architectural heritage of this area.
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El estudio y la conservación de la cerámica decorada en arquitectura (pdf 8.7 MB)part 1(pdf 3.9 MB), part 2 (pdf 1,9 MB), part 3 (pdf 3,8 MB); Alva Balderrama, Alejandro; Almagro Vidal, Ana; Bestué Cardiel, Isabel (eds). ICCROM, 2003. (ICS01)
Compilation of essays on the conservation of decorated ceramics applied to architecture. Includes discussions on studies carried out in Europe, Latin America and Middle East, and analyzes causes of deterioration and specific conservation treatments.
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Other PDF publications (in alphabetical order by title)

Arabic-English Glossary (pdf 653 kB); Mahdy, Hossam. ICCROM, 2008. (Document)
Glossary of conservation terminology (Arabic-English and English-Arabic) developed by Dr Hossam Mahdy for the ATHAR programme and intended for conservation professionals working in the Arab region. This is a preliminary document distributed to invite discussion and comments.

ARC Laboratory Handbook: porosity, salts, binders, colour (pdf 5.1 MB) [light version (pdf 2.7 MB)]
Borrelli, Ernesto; Urland, Andrea. ICCROM, 1999. (Book)
vol 1 and 2 (pdf 1.1 MB), vol 3 and 4 (pdf 1.9 MB), vol 5 (pdf 2 MB)
The handbook is intended to assist professionals working in the field of conservation of architectural heritage, historic structures and materials. Prepared principally for architects and engineers, it may also be relevant for conservator-restorers, archaeologists and others. It is structured as follows: Vol. 1: Introduction, Vol. 2: Porosity, Vol. 3: Salts, Vol. 4: Binders, Vol. 5: Colour specification and measurement.

Are you an archive? (pdf 310 kB); ICCROM, 2005. (Leaflet)
The leaflet aims at raising awareness among small institutions of the importance of preserving their institutional memory, encouraging them to make use of the information and advice available through different sources on archival preservation strategies. The leaflet has been published jointly by ICA, IFLA and ICCROM.

La Conservazione sullo Scavo Archeologico (pdf 5.5 MB); Stanley-Price, Nicholas (ed.). Centro di Conservazione Archeologica. ICCROM, 1986. (Book)
Italian translation of the proceedings of a congress organized by ICCROM in Cyprus in 1983. It comprises 11 papers on topics such as: excavation and conservation; the role of the objects conservator in field archaeology; object interred, object disinterred; first-aid treatment for excavated finds; on-site storage of finds; protection and presentation of excavated structures.

Crafts and Conservation: Synthesis Report for ICCROM (pdf 431 kB); Donkin, Lucy. ICCROM, 2001. (Report)
This report illustrates the issues surrounding crafts and conservation, with the help of various examples and case studies. It is divided into four sections: the notions of crafts, conserving the intangible, conditions for conserving the intangible and the role of the conservation-restoration field.

A History of Architectural Conservation (pdf 6.7 MB); Jokilehto, Jukka. ICCROM, 1986. (Thesis)part 1(pdf 1.8 MB), part 2 (pdf 2.1 MB), part 3 (pdf 3.0 MB)
This document (466 pages) consists of the research undertaken for the degree of the Doctor of Philosophy (D.Phil.) at the University of York, England, between 1978 and 1986.

ICCROM and Public Advocacy (pdf 3.8 MB) [light version (pdf 693 kB)]
Grattan, Naomi. ICCROM, 2004. (Report)

Since 1990 ICCROM has undertaken a wide variety of activities to raise public awareness about the fragility of cultural heritage, and the importance of heritage conservation. This document is intended to provide useful historical documentation of ICCROM’s advocacy activities since the early 1990s.

Introducing Young People to Heritage Site Management and Protection (pdf 1,9 MB); Aslan, Zaki; Ardemagni, Monica (eds). ICCROM, 2006. (Manual)
The manual is aimed at introducing heritage education in school curricula.

Introducing Young People to Heritage Site Management and Protection (in Arabic – pdf 6,7 MB); Aslan, Zaki; Ardemagni, Monica (eds). ICCROM, 2007. (Manual in Arabic)part 1 (pdf 3.8 MB), part 2 (pdf 3.2 MB)
Arabic translation of the manual aimed at introducing heritage education in school curricula.

Introduciendo a los Jóvenes en la Protección del Patrimonio Cultural y los Centros Históricos. Una guía práctica para maestros en Colombia (in Spanish – pdf 6,9 MB); Aslan, Zaki; Ardemagni, Monica; Martinez, Andrea(eds); Laudato, Tiziana (trl.) ICCROM, 2012. (Manual in Spanish )
Spanish translation of the manual aimed at introducing heritage education in school curricula.

A Laboratory Manual for Architectural Conservators (pdf 2.7 MB); Teutonico, Jeanne Marie. ICCROM, 1988. (Book)
The above book is now available from ICCROM as a PDF file. It was written in 1988 as an introduction to working practices in an architectural conservation laboratory, and was aimed at helping the reader to understand the character and behaviour of building materials, their identification, and the diagnosis of their state of conservation.

Managing Cultural World Heritage (pdf 4.09 MB); ICCROM, ICOMOS, IUCN and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2013.
ICCROM, ICOMOS, IUCN and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre have jointly published a new title within the series of World Heritage Resource Manuals: Managing Cultural World Heritage. The aim of this manual is to provide guidance for States Parties and those involved in the care of World Heritage cultural properties on how to comply with the requirements of the World Heritage Convention. It also aims to ensure that heritage has a dynamic role in society, and that it harnesses and delivers the benefits that such a role can create.

Measuring Heritage Conservation Performance (pdf 13.6 MB); Zancheti, Silvio Mendes; Similä, Katriina (eds). ICCROM and CECI, 2012.part 1(pdf 4.9 MB), part 2 (pdf 4.4 MB), part 3 (pdf 5.0 MB)
Proceedings from the 6th International Seminar on Urban Conservation which took place in Recife, Brazil in March 2011. The papers cover six subthemes for evaluation of conservation performance: identification and inventories; assessment and evaluation; economics and development; monitoring and measurements; participation and inclusivity; and indicators.

Measuring Heritage Conservation Performance. Spanish Summaries (pdf 1.77 MB); Zancheti, Silvio Mendes; Similä, Katriina (eds). ICCROM and CECI, 2012.
Proceedings from the 6th International Seminar on Urban Conservation which took place in Recife, Brazil in March 2011. The papers cover six subthemes for evaluation of conservation performance: identification and inventories; assessment and evaluation; economics and development; monitoring and measurements; participation and inclusivity; and indicators.

Mosaics No. 1: deterioration and conservation (pdf 8.3 MB); ICCROM and ICCM, 1980.
Also available in French (pdf 7.75 MB).

This volume contains the proceedings of the First International Symposium on the Conservation of Mosaics which was held in Rome from 2 to 5 November 1977.

Mosaics No. 2: safeguard (pdf 5.80 MB); ICCROM and ICCM, 1983.
Also available in French (2.72 MB) and Arabic (4.54 MB)

The following text is the result of the work of an international group of specialists, begun during a  conference at Carthage and finished at Perigueux. It does not attempt to be a complete conservation manual. It presents, instead, a systematic approach to floor mosaic conservation based on the experience of a team of art historians and technicians.

Mosaics No. 3 / Mosaïque n ° 3 : conservation in situ (pdf 18.2 MB); ICCROM and ICCM, 1985.
This is the third volume in the series published by the International Committee for Mosaics Conservation.

Mosaics No. 4 / Mosaicos n ° 4 / Mosaïque n ° 4 : conservación in situ chapters in English, Spanish and French (pdf 15.4 MB)
This is the fourth volume in the series published by the International Committee for Mosaics Conservation.

Mosaics No. 5 / Mosaicos n ° 5 : conservación in situ chapters in English, Spanish, French and Italian (pdf 17.7 MB)
This is the fifth volume in the series published by the International Committee for Mosaics Conservation.

Mosaics: Conservation. Protection. Presentation / Conservação. Proteção. Apresentação chapters in English, Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese (pdf 12.9 MB)
This is the sixth volume in the series published by the International Committee for Mosaics Conservation.

Mosaics make a Site: The Conservation in situ of Mosaics on Archaeological Sites chapters in English and French (pdf 24.2 MB)
This is the seventh volume in the series published by the International Committee for Mosaics Conservation.

Our Students and Ourselves, Approaching Course Design (pdf 424 kB); ICCROM, 2004. (Manual)
This document covers the topic of course design in heritage and conservation fields.

The Power of Internship, an Excellent Way to Excellence (pdf 1.5 MB); ICCROM, 2005. (Leaflet)
The leaflet explores the potential of internships in professional development, either as a part of a degree programme or continuing professional development. It considers the point of view of institutions sending or receiving interns, of tutors working directly with interns, and of course, of the interns themselves.

Protecting Cultural Heritage in Times of Conflict (pdf 9.3 MB); Lambert, Simon; Rockwell, Cynthia (eds). ICCROM, 2012.
The collected contributions of participants of the ICCROM International course on First Aid to Cultural Heritage in Times of Conflict (FAC) – 2010 and 2011 editions. Based on the participants’ own experience, this illustrated volume takes a closer look at some of the practical challenges and possible opportunities for enhancing the protection of cultural heritage in conflict afflicted areas. Also included: a list of further readings and online resources.

Risk Preparedness: A Management Manual for World Cultural Heritage(pdf 8.0 MB) [light version (pdf 2.4 MB)]; Stovel, Herb. ICCROM, 1998. (Book)
The second in the series of management guidelines and manuals for World Cultural Heritage (see also Feilden/Jokilehto), this volume addresses the issue of risk preparedness in both general and specific terms. After an introduction to the overall context and principles, the author then discusses property-specific strategies for various major risks, such as fire, earthquakes, flooding, armed conflict and other hazards. The final section covers putting risk-preparedness into practice. A list of sources and various key documents are also provided.

The Role of Architecture in Preventive Conservation (pdf 2.3 MB); Toledo, Franciza. ICCROM, 2006. (Report)
ICCROM Fellowship report that discusses the climate responsiveness of historic and modern buildings, especially when reused for museum purposes, and how these buildings can be designed or adapted using architectural solutions to provide passive climate control for the preventive conservation of museum, library and archive collections. The use of forced ventilation is also described. Presents extensive documentation from the PREMA course, especially as related to the design and improvement of museum storage facilities in Africa.

Sharing decisions: lessons learnt from an ICCROM course(pdf 5.4 MB) [light version (pdf 1.4 MB)]; Varoli Piazza, Rosalia (ed.). ICCROM, 2007. (Book)Italian (pdf 5.4 MB), light version (pdf 1.4 MB)
This publication contains reflections by professionals involved in all aspects of the 2006 course. Contributions are grouped into seven chapters: ‘Behind the scenes’, ‘Sharing and communicating techniques’, ‘History and values’, ‘The object and its context’, ‘The object as a source of information’, ‘Learn from the emergency’, and ‘Tools for the future’. The accompanying CD-Rom contains course information, a bibliography, glossaries, and a pdf version of the book in both English and Italian.

Standards in Preventive Conservation: Meanings and Applications (pdf 361 kB)
Alcántara, Rebeca. ICCROM, 2002. (Report)

This report discusses the notions of standards in preventive conservation and their applicability beyond the specific context in which they were created.

Teamwork for Preventive Conservation (pdf 667 kB); Putt, Neal; Slade, Sarah. ICCROM, 2003. (Manual)
This document outlines an approach to introducing teamwork to improve preventive conservation in museums. It is based on the experiences of eleven museums from nine European countries that took part in ICCROM’s Teamwork for Preventive Conservation Project.

Wall and Floor Mosaics: conservation, maintenance, preservation chapters in English, Italian, French and Greek (pdf 23.6 MB)
This is the eighth volume in the series published by the International Committee for Mosaics Conservation.

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