Mesolithic Miscellany is the only serial publication dedicated to the archaeology of Mesolithic Europe. It is, and has always been community-led and responded to the needs of Mesolithic scholars.
Mesolithic Miscellany was set up in 1980 by T. Douglas Price, University of Wisconsin. It was a newsletter, published twice-a-year, that aimed to include virtually any information of relevance to the European Mesolithic.
Accessing the initial run (1980-1996)
The project to scan the initial series of Mesolithic Miscellany (1980-1996) was generously funded by the Department of Archaeology, University of York and could not have been completed without the active and enthusiastic involvement of the Archaeology Data Service. You can download all newsletters here:
Die Ausgrabungen bei Hopferau am Hopfensee: Dr. Stefanie Berg-Hobohm and Carmen Liebermann M.A. (German version of article from Mesolithic Miscellany Volume 18.1)