[First posted in AWOL 27 October 2010. Updated 27 September 2016]
British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine, prepared by the British Mandate for UN prior to proposing the 1947 partition plan
British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine, prepared by the British Mandate for UN prior to proposing the 1947 partition plan
This is the official books produced by Government of Palestinian (British Mandate) for the years of 1944-1945 which was prepared by the British Mandate for the United Nation Special Committee on Palestine (UNSCOP) in 1946. These three volumes contain a wealth of information about Palestine until the end of 1946...
Volume I
- Chapter I: The Mandate
- Chapter II: Historical Summary of Principal Events Since British Occupation
Period I 1917-1920
Period II: 1920 - 1923
Period III: A period of consolidation and comparative tranquility
Period IV: September, 1928 - December 1932
Period V: January, 1933 - March 1936
Period VII: November, 1936-Ausgust, 1939
Period VIII: September, 1939-October, 1942
Period IX: November, 1942 - December, 1945
Annexure I: The White Paper of June, 1922
Annexure II: The White Paper of May, 1939
- Chapter III: Geographic Summary
- Chapter IV: The Central Government and Its Finances
- Chapter V: Local Government
- Chapter VI: Population
A. The Increase in Population
B. Geographical Distribution of the Population
- Chapter VII: Immigration
Section 1: Immigration Legislation And Its Administration
Section 2: Immigration Statistics
Section 3: Acquisition of Palestinian Citizenship
Section 4: Illegal Immigration
Section 5: Refugees
- Chapter VIII: Land
Section 1: Land Tenure in Palestine. Legislation and Type of Holding
Section 2: Settlement of Title to Land
Section 3: Land Registration
Section 4: System of Land Taxation
Section 5: The Public Lands of Palestine
Section 6: State Domain and Re-Settlement of Jewish Ex-Servicemen
Section 7: The Land Transfer Regulation
Section 8: Administrative Problems Regarding to State Holdings
- Chapter IX: Agriculture
Section 1: Agriculture Production.
Section 2: Animal Health and Produce.
Section 3: The Citrus Industry.
Section 4: Measures Taken To Increase Agricultural Productivity
Section 5: Agricultural Credit and Co-operative Societies
Section 6: Investigations Affecting Development In the Negeb
Section 7: Jewish Agricultural Settlements
Section 8: Agricultural Advisory Bodies
- Chapter X: Irrigation and Drainage
- Chapter XI: Forestry and Soil Conservation
- Chapter XII: Fisheries
- Chapter XIII: Trade And Industry
Section 1: Trade Agreements, The Customs Tariff and Excise Duties.
Section 2: Foreign Trade of Palestine.
Section 3: Trade With Middle Eastern Countries
Section 4: A Survey of Industry
- The Central Government And Its Finances
- Local Government: Supplementing Volume V
- Population: Supplementing Volume I, Chapter VI
- Immigration: Supplementing Volume I, Chapter VII
- Illegal Immigration
- Land: Supplementing Volume I
- Agriculture: Supplementing Volume I, Chapter IX
- Forestry And Soil Conservation: Supplementing Volume I
- Trade And Industry: Supplementing Volume I, Chapter XIII
- Finance: Supplementing Volume II, Chapter XIV
- Town Planning And The Problem of Housing: Supplementing
- Food And Clothing: Supplementing Volume II, Chapter XIX
- Communication: Supplementing Volume II, Chapter XX
- Community And Religious: Supplementing Volume II, Chapter XXII
- Political Parties: Supplementing Volume II, Chapter XXIII