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Open Access Journal: ARIT Newsletter

 [First posted in AWOL 4 December 2009. Updated 26 September 2016]

ARIT Newsletter
Twice a year the Institute publishes the ARIT Newsletter, distributed widely in the academic community and among the Friends of ARIT. It provides information about the ARIT's recent activities and programs, including the news from each center, research reports from recent fellows in Turkey, lists of current fellows and donors.
Volume 59, Spring 2016
- Research in Turkey continues.
- ARIT helps develop programs to protect heritage.
- SALT Galata in Istanbul exhibits materials from the American Board Archive.
- The Sardis Symphony debuts at the Temple of Artemis.
- Research reports: ARIT fellow reports on contemporary synagogue liturgy in Istanbul.

Volume 58, Spring 2015
  - Studies related to Turkey grow, along with ARIT institutional membership
      - ARIT Istanbul opens new on-line access to American Board archives and library materials
      - ARIT Ankara director presents at the 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists
and facilitates programs on cultural heritage protection
      - Research reports: On social complexity and crop production at chalcolithic Çadır Höyük and on Looking over Ottoman readers' shoulders.
Volume 57, Fall 2014
  - ARIT and the NEH.
      - ARIT Istanbul Friends initiate the John Freely Fellowship Fund.
      - ARIT welcomes additional new institutional members.

      - Research report: Subsistence and Ritual as evidenced by bone remains in southern Cappadocia.

Volume 56, Spring 2014
      - Reflections on ARIT's 50th.
      - ARIT welcomes additional new institutional members.
      - Research reports: Statistics and reform in contemporary Turkey; the musical life of two Bektashi communities; Ottoman physical culture.

Volume 55, Spring 2013
      - 2014 is ARIT's 50th year: reflecting on past accomplishments and future plans.
 - ARIT welcomes additional new institutional member
      - New publication: writings of Dr. Toni M. Cross
      - Research reports: library collections of Ottoman Sufi scholars; Armenian churches in Istanbul.

Volume 54, Fall 2012
      - ARIT plans adaptations to reduced funding
 - ARIT welcomes five new institutional members
      - Research report: Classical architects of Asia Minor; Authenticating Eyüp in Istanbul.

Volume 53, Spring 2012
- ARIT's funding worries continue
 - ARIT Istanbul Library acquires the massive archive of the American Board of Missions
      - ARIT Ankara director reports on Turkish fellows traveling to Greece
      - Research report: Early Republican political cartoons

Volume 52, Fall 2011
      - ARIT loses much of its federal support for overseas operations and programs
      - ARIT Istanbul Library posts publications from the Library of the American Board of Missions on-line
      - ARIT Ankara director shares new developments concerning permits for U.S. archaeological excavations and surveys
      - Research report: Byzantine shipwreck explored

Volume 51, Spring 2011
      - ARIT Istanbul facilities and developments
      - Library of the American Board of Missions at ARIT Istanbul
      - ARIT Ankara names Coulson - Cross Aegean Exchange fellows for 2011
      - Research reports:  Ottoman Women, Legal Reform, and Social Change; Spanish Moriscos in the Ottoman realm

Volume 50, Fall 2010
      - Local Archives and Libraries of Overseas Research Centers (LAORC) launches new database on the Digital Library for International Research (DLIR)
      - Access to research facilities in Istanbul
      - ARIT facilitates cooperation with new permit procedures for archaeological projects
      - Research reports:  Religion and politics and the Ottoman-Iranian border; Polychromy of Roman marble sculpture from Aphrodisias

Volume 49, Spring 2010
      - Meet the new ARIT President
      - New ARIT Turkish fellows pursue a broad range of research projects
      - Archaeologists adapt to new excavation regulations
      - Research reports:  Late Antique Portrait Sculpture; Perspectives of German-Turkish return migrants.

Volume 48, Fall 2009
      - ARIT President Sams recounts his presidency that is coming to an end
      - ARIT center affiliates have diverse backgrounds and interests
      - ARIT Ankara and Cypriot American Archaeological Research Institute exchange scholar/directors
      - Research reports:  Piracy in the Ottoman Mediterranean; Hittite conception of space.

Volume 47, Spring 2009
      - ARIT Mellon Fellows contributions.
      - New tours and sites in Turkey
      - Machteld J. Mellink remembered in Ankara
      - Research report:  A study of Ottoman deeds in Çorum yields detailed histories.

Volume 46, Fall 2008
       - ARIT Ankara director changes: farewell to Baha Yildirim, greetings to Elif Denel.
       - Turkish Language programs and fellowships program grow
       - ARIT continues to seek new facilities for the Istanbul center
       - Research reports:  Ottoman military levies; Little Ice Age crisis in Ottoman lands.

Volume 45, Spring 2008
        - ARIT begins building a library endowment with the help of the NEH Endowment Challenge grant.
        - Kress Foundation fellows cited; Turkish fellowships program grows
        - ARIT seeks new facilities for the Istanbul center
        - Research reports:  Turkish Alevism; Greek pottery at Gordion.

Volume 44, Fall 2007
        - ARIT wins NEH Endowment Challenge grant to upgrade libraries.
        - Joukowsky Family Foundation supports publication of fellows' research.
        - Research reports:  Suleyman the Lawgiver; Cultural Debates in Istanbul Recording Studios.

Volume 43, Spring 2007
        - Ankara Library receives Mellink collection and expands.
        - Expanded intensive Department of State Turkish language programs continue.
        - Research reports:  The Making of the National Identity in Ottoman Macedonia; The Tektaş Burnu Shipwreck.

Volume 42, Fall 2006
        - The Council of American Overseas Research Centers marks twenty-five years.
        - New Department of State funding supports advanced language study in Turkey for U.S. beginning students.
        - List of ARIT Fellowships for 2006-2007.
        - Research report:  The Architectural Patronage of Sultan Alaeddin Keykubad

Volume 41, Spring 2006
       - Machteld Johanna Mellink remembrance.
       - New legal status for ARIT in Turkey in process.
       - Annual Fund drive.
       - Research reports:  Thracian Names and the Greek Epigraphic Evidence in East Thrace and Asia Minor; Secularizations and their Discontents:  a Cross-National Study;        The Civil Basilica of Aphrodisias.   

Volume 40, Fall 2005
        - George and Ilse Hanfmann Fellowship Program.
        - Increased research activities in libraries and hostels in both Ankara and Istanbul.
        - List of ARIT Fellowships for 2005-2006.
        - Research report:  Roman urbanism in southwestern Turkey; history of the Sabbatian communities.    

 Volume 39, Spring 2005
        - The Turkish Cultural Foundation offers new support for Turkish fellows in Turkey.
        - Increased support means more Turkish fellows supported in the program administered by the Istanbul Dernek.
        - Aegean Exchange fellows plan their research projects in Greece.
        - Annual fund drive.
        - Research Report:  Byzantine-Ottoman 'overlap' architecture in Turkey.   
Volume 38, Fall 2004
        - William D. E. Coulson - Toni M. Cross Aegean Exchange gains permanent funding through the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

        - Changes in the laws guiding applications for research permissions occupy directors in both centers.
        - List of ARIT Fellowships for 2004-2005.
        - Research report:  ancient wine-making in Turkey.    

Volume 37, Spring 2004
        - Interest in U.S.-based research in Turkey on the increase; research are programs thriving.
        - New Turkish law changes the process for foreigners applying for research permissions.
        - Hanfmann Fellows travel abroad to carry out varied research projects; the Public Affairs Office of the U.S. Consulate in Ankara continues to support the Aegean Exchange Program.
        - Research report:  prehistoric dietary habits examined through micro-wear analysis.
 ARIT Newsletter Archive:

Volume 36, Fall 2003Volume 18, Fall 1994
Volume 35, Spring 2003Volume 17, Spring 1994
Volume 34, Fall 2002Volume 16, Fall 1993
Volume 33, Spring 2002Volume 15, Spring 1993
Volume 32, Fall 2001Volume 14, Fall 1992
Volume 31, Spring 2001Volume 13, Spring 1992
Volume 30, Fall 2000Volume 12, Fall 1990
Volume 29, Spring 2000Volume 11, Spring 1990
Volume 28, Fall 1999Volume 10, Fall 1989
Volume 27, Spring 1999Volume 8-9, 1988-1989
Volume 26, Fall 1998Volume 7, 1988
Volume 25, Spring 1998Volume 6, 1987.2
Volume 24, Fall 1997Volume 5, 1987.1
Volume 23, Spring 1997Volume 4, 1980
Volume 22, Fall 1996Volume 3, 1977
Volume 21, Spring 1996Volume 2, 1976
Volume 20, Fall 1995Volume 1, 1975
Volume 19, Spring 1995

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