Fictional Rome
At this site, you will be able to:
- search a data base of over 1500 titles of novels available in English that are set in ancient Rome, the city itself or the Roman world, from the time of the monarchy to the empire. The search form will allow you to specify author, title, publication date, topic and period, individually or in combination. In addition, you can search for specific historical characters or for all titles that are mysteries.
- find further information on any title by clicking the title. The information will include all normal bibliographical data plus much that is specific to this database, such as cross-references to published reviews or listings in standard reference works. You can find short evaluations in that screen.
- read reviews of several titles. You will find on the Authors page a blue dot preceding several novelists' names. This indicates that a review can be found on that specific page.
- read essays on the historical novel in general and suggestions on how to use them in classes, high school through college.
- participate in the ongoing development of the site by providing added information: titles that have been omitted or more information about titles that are not completely annotated. Even if a title has a review, you may add a review/evaluation of your own. This is most easily done by using the e-mail option.
- talk with others interested in the topic by posting comments to the bulletin board. If a need develops for different bulletin boards for sub-topics, they will be created.
- see listings for other sites that deal with ancient Rome or historical novels.
- research historical figures. Find out what their lives were really like by searching other sites and reading about them in novels.
- use the timeline to further aid in your reading experience and understanding of it.
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Visit the sites that enable us to help you find historical Roman fiction. Authors & Reviews
Read reviews, find bibliographical info, biographical background & many other interesting links. Timeline
Provides you with a chronological list of major events in Roman history. Essays
Browse through essays, extracts & references on historical works. Discussion
A place for readers to discuss Roman historical fiction and related topics of Roman history or daily life. Glossary
Look up the meanings of the latin words used in the novels. Advisors
Meet the people who make this site possible. Historical Figures
Information about the non-fictional people featured in ancient Roman novels. Web Rings
A list of the web rings this site belongs to. Reference Works
A list of outside materials on Historical Fiction. Links
Visit other Historical Fiction (Roman and otherwise) sites or related Roman sites for background.