[First posted in AWOL 11 March 2013, updated 13 September 2016]
n.b. The Ancient Narrative server has crashed. While they work to restore it Ancient Narrative is accessible here
Ancient Narrative
Online ISSN: 1568-3532
Print ISSN: 1568-3540
n.b. The Ancient Narrative server has crashed. While they work to restore it Ancient Narrative is accessible here
Ancient Narrative
Online ISSN: 1568-3532
Print ISSN: 1568-3540
As the name Ancient Narrative indicates, the areas of interest of the new journal are: Greek, Roman, Jewish novelistic traditions, including novels proper, the "fringe", as well as the fragments; narrative texts of the Byzantine age, early Christian narrative texts - and the reception of these works in modern literature, film and music. Ancient Narrative encourages approaches which range from editorial and philological work on these texts, and literary-theoretical studies, to theological, sociological, cultural and anthropological approaches. No particular area or methodology is preferred. The audience of our journal will thus comprise not only those who are working mainly in classical or religious studies, but all those who are interested in the birth and development of narrative fiction in all its aspects, from antiquity to the modern times.
Ancient Narrative (AN) is first and foremost an electronic journal, in which selected articles will be discussed during a period of several months. At the end of the year the authors have the opportunity to revise their articles. A volume containing all revised articles of the past year will appear both in print and on the website.
AN also publishes special, theme-oriented issues. Your suggestions for such issues are very welcome.
AN is the electronic continuation of the Petronian Society Newsletter (ed. Gareth Schmeling) and the Groningen Colloquia on the Novel (eds. Heinz Hofmann and Maaike Zimmerman). Therefore, AN will, besides full articles, publish bibliographical information as well as brief notes on relevant subjects. The editors will also invite specialists for reviews, which will be published in the electronic journal and in the annual printed volume of AN.
AN Volume 12Articles
Alan J. Ross, 'Syene as face of battle: Heliodorus and late antique historiography'
| article (free) | abstract (free) | contact the author | Luca Graverini, 'Da Lesbo al New England: Dafni e Cloe di Longo e Praying for Sleep di Jeffery Deaver'
| article (free) | abstract (free) | contact the author | Nicholas Kauffman, 'Beauty as Fiction in Leucippe and Clitophon'
| article (free) | abstract (free) | contact the author | Jeffrey T. Winkle, 'Epona Salvatrix?: Isis and the Horse Goddess
in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses'
| article (free) | abstract (free) | contact the author |Reviews
Marília Futre Pinheiro, Judith Perkins, Richard Pervo (Eds.), The Ancient Novel and Early Christian and Jewish Narrative: Fictional Intersections
Ancient Narrative Supplementa 16
Reviewed by Ilaria L. E. Ramelli
| review (free) | contact the author | Michael Paschalis, Stelios Panayotakis (Eds.), The Construction of the Real and the Ideal in the Ancient Novel
Ancient Narrative Supplementa 17
Reviewed by Daniel Jolowicz
| review (free) | contact the author | Stelios Panayotakis (ed.): The Story of Apollonius, King of Tyre. A Commentary
Texte und Kommentare 38
Reviewed by Giulio Vannini
| review (free) | contact the author |
Archive of Regular volumesSupplements
- Ancient Narrative Volume 11
- Ancient Narrative Volume 10
- Ancient Narrative Volume 9
- Ancient Narrative Volume 8
- Ancient Narrative Volume 7
- Ancient Narrative Volume 6
- Ancient Narrative Volume 5
- Ancient Narrative Volume 4
- Ancient Narrative Volume 3 (2003)
- Ancient Narrative Volume 2 (2002)
- Ancient Narrative Volume 1 (2000-2001)
- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 17
The Construction of the Real and the Ideal in the Ancient Novel
Michael Paschalis, Stelios Panayotakis (eds.)- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 16
The Ancient Novel and Early Christian and Jewish Narrative: Fictional Intersections
Marília P. Futre Pinheiro, Judith Perkins, Richard Pervo (eds.)- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 15
The Alexander Romance in Persia and the East
Richard Stoneman, Kyle Erickson and Ian Netton (eds.)- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 14.1 and 2
Fictional Traces: Receptions of the Ancient Novel - Volume 1 and 2
Marília P. Futre Pinheiro & Stephen J. Harrison (eds)- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 13
Echoing Narratives: Studies of Intertextuality in Greek and Roman Prose Fiction
Konstantin Doulamis (ed.)- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 12
Readers and Writers in the Ancient Novel
Michael Paschalis, Stelios Panayotakis, Gareth Schmeling (eds.)- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 11
Paideia at Play: Learning and Wit in Apuleius
Werner Riess (ed.)- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 10
Philosophical Presences in the Ancient Novel
J.R. Morgan, Meriel Jones (eds.)- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 9
Greek Identity and the Athenian Past in Chariton: The Romance of Empire
Steven D. Smith- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 8
The Greek and the Roman Novel: Parallel Readings
Michael Paschalis, Stavros Frangoulidis, Stephen Harrison, Maaike Zimmerman (eds.)- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 7
Seeing Tongues, Hearing Scripts. Orality and Representation in the Ancient Novel
Victoria Rimell (ed.)- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 6
Lectiones Scrupulosae.
Essays on the Text and Interpretation
of Apuleius’ Metamorphoses in Honour of Maaike Zimmerman
W.H. Keulen, R.R. Nauta & S. Panayotakis (eds.)- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 5
Authors, Authority, and Interpreters in the Ancient Novel.
Essays in Honor of Gareth L. Schmeling
Shannon N. Byrne, Edmund P. Cueva & Jean Alvares (eds.)- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 4
Metaphor and the Ancient Novel
Stephen Harrison, Michael Paschalis and Stavros Frangoulidis (eds.)- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 3
TheBakhtin Circle and Ancient Narrative
R. Bracht Branham (ed.)- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 2
The Recollections of Encolpius
Gottskálk Jensson- Ancient Narrative Supplementum 1
Space in the Ancient Novel
Michael Paschalis and Stavros Frangoulidis (eds
See the full List of Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies