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Open Access Journal: Aestimatio: Critical Reviews in the History of Science

[First posted in AWOL 15 October 2009. Most recently updated 6 September 2016]

Aestimatio: Critical Reviews in the History of Science
ISSN: 1549–4497 (online)
ISSN: 1549–4470 (print) 
Aestimatio provides critical, timely assessments of books published in the history of what was called science from antiquity up to the early modern period in cultures ranging from Spain to India, and from Africa to northern Europe. The aim is to allow reviewers the opportunity to engage critically both the results of research in the history of science and how these results are obtained.
Alan C. Bowen and Tracey E. Rihll edd.

Aestimatio volume 11 (2014) complete 1-372
Paul T. Keyser Being, Humanity, and Understanding: Studies in Ancient and Modern Societies by G. E. R. Lloyd 1-12
Sonja Brentjes Routes and Realms: The Power of Place in the Early Islamic World by Zayde Antrim 13-21
Antoine Pietrobelli Hippocrates: On the Art of Medicine by Joel E. Mann 22-23
Jeffrey A. Oaks Abū Kāmil. Algèbre et analyse Diophantienne. Édition, traduction et commentaire by Roshdi Rashed 24-49
Arthur MacGregor Morbid Curiosities: Medical Museums in Nineteenth-Century Britain by Samuel J. M. M. Alberti 50-55
Robert Mayhew Aristotle: His Life and School by Carlo Natali, edited by D. S. Hutchinson 56-65
Heidi Marx-Wolf Cosmology and Fate in Gnosticism and Graeco-Roman Antiquity: Under Pitiless Skies by Nicola Denzey Lewis 66-70
Pietro B. Rossi De motu animalium. Fragmenta translationis anonymaeand De progressu animalium, De motu animalium. Translatio Guillelmi de Moerbeka by Pieter De Leemans 71-88
André Goddu Kepler’s Cosmological Synthesis: Astrology, Mechanism and the Soul by Patrick J. Boner 89-99
Steven A. Walton Artisan/Practitioners and the Rise of the New Sciences, 1400–1600 by Pamela O. Long 100-106
Nathaniel Wolloch Ethical Perspectives on Animals in the Renaissance and Early Modern Period by Cecilia Muratori and Burkhard Dohm edd. 107-114
Stamatina Mastorakou Illustrating the Phaenomena: Celestial Cartography in Antiquity and the Middle Ages by Elly Dekker 115-120
J. L. Berggren The Principles of Arab Navigation by Anthony R. Constable and William Facey edd. 121-126
Elizabeth A. Hamm Heavenly Mathematics: The Forgotten Art of Spherical Trigonometry by Glen Van Brummelen 127-130
Jonathan Barnes Aristotle’s Categories in the Byzantine, Arabic and Latin Traditions by Sten Ebbesen, John Marenbon, and Paul Thom edd. 131-138
John Sellars An Essay on the Unity of Stoic Philosophy by Johnny Christensen 139-142
Jennifer Karns Alexander Progressive Enlightenment: The Origins of the Gaslight Industry, 1780–1820 by Leslie Tomory 143-144
Alison Laywine Greek and Roman Musical Studies volume 1 by Andrew Barker ed. 145-167
Laurence Totelin Théophraste. Les causes des phénomènes végétaux. Tome I. Livres I et II by Suzanne Amigues 168-170
Katja Maria Vogt Sextus Empiricus: Against the Physicists by Richard Bett 171-178
Duncan J. Melville The History of Mathematical Proof in Ancient Traditions by Karine Chemla ed. 179-187
Paolo Palmieri Copernicus: Platonist Astronomer-Philosopher. Cosmic Order, the Movement of the Earth, and the Scientific Revolution by Matjaž Vesel 188-190
Sarah Pothecary Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World for iPad by R. J. A. Talbert 191-201
Bernard R. Goldstein and Giora Hon Palmieri and Vesel on Symmetry and Harmony in Copernicus’ Cosmology 202-204
John Ryan Aratus and the Astronomical Tradition by Emma Gee 205-216
Lucy Barnhouse Hospital Life: Theory and Practice from the Medieval to the Modern by Laurinda Abreu and Sally Sheard edd. 217-222
Toke Knudsen Astronomy and Mathematics in Ancient India / Astronomie et mathématiques de l’Inde Ancienne. Actes de la journée d’études organisée le 24 avril 2009 à l’Université Libre de Bruxelles by J. M. Delire ed. 223-226
Bronwen L. Wickkiser Medicine and Society in Ptolemaic Egypt by Philippa Lang 227-231
Paul D. Buell Lost Enlightenment: Central Asia’s Golden Age from the Arab Conquest to Tamerlane by S. Frederick Starr 232-235
Delphine Bellis L’homme au risque de l’infini. Mélanges d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences offerts à Michel Blay by Michela Malpangotto, Vincent Jullien, and Efthymios Nicolaidis edd. 236-242
Corinna Rossi Count Like an Egyptian: A Hands-On Introduction to Ancient Mathematics by David Reimer 243-247
Sylvia Berryman Aristotle’s Empiricism: Experience and Mechanics in the 4th Century BC by Jean De Groot 248-252
Cinzia Arruzza Neoplatonism and the Philosophy of Nature by James Wilberding and Christoph Horn edd. 253-259
Aldo Brigaglia Diofanto, De polygonis numeris. Introduzione, testo critico, traduzione italiana e commento by Fabio Acerbi 260-282
Donald J. Zeyl Science before Socrates: Parmenides, Anaxagoras and the New Astronomy by Daniel W. Graham 283-289
Börje Bydén The Philosophy of Gemistos Plethon: Platonism in Late Byzantium, between Hellenism and Orthodoxy by Vojtěch Hladký 290-311
Paul T. Keyser The Ancient Mediterranean Environment between Science and History by W. V. Harris 312-333
Steven Vanden Broecke Astrology and Magic from the Medieval Latin and Islamic World to Renaissance Europe: Theories and Approaches by Paola Zambelli 334-336
Elizabeth Craik L’anonyme de Londres (P. Lit. Lond. 165, Brit. Libr. Inv. 137). Édition et traduction d’un papyrus médical grec du Ier siècle by Antonio Ricciardetto 337-338
Margaret Small Printing a Mediterranean World: Florence, Constantinople, and the Renaissance of Geography by Sean Roberts 339-341
Federico M. Petrucci Jamblique. In Nicomachi arithmeticam. Introduction, texte critique, traduction française et notes de commentaire by Nicolas Vinel 342-353
Sara J. Schechner Astrolabes from Medieval Europe by David A. King 354-363
Francesco Luzzini L’eruzione vesuviana del 1631. Una storia d’età moderna by Alfonso Tortora 364-369
Staff Books Received 2014 370-372

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