[14 October 2013: Archäologische Informationen initiates Early View. Updated 31 August 2016]
Archäologische Informationen
ISSN-Print: 0341-2873
ISSN-Internet: 2197-7429
Archäologische Informationen
ISSN-Print: 0341-2873
ISSN-Internet: 2197-7429
Archäologische Informationen (Arch. Inf.) is the scientific journal of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte e. V. (DGUF).
Archäologische Informationen focuses on:
- new research in the field of European prehistory, early history and mediaeval archaeology, in particular syntheses, more general historical evaluations and research reviews,
- the frank debate of topical archaeological controversies in the “Forum”,
- interdisciplinary topics, particularly those at the interface to the natural sciences pertinent to archaeology,
- the further development of methods and theories pertinent to archaeology,
- the further development of archaeological ethics and policy issues of the discipline, including academic study and training,
- improving the protection of cultural heritage and the cultural landscape, and involving interested citizens and volunteers in archaeology.
The journal publishes in German and English. The print run is 1,000 copies. Archäologische Informationen is additionally published in open access with the aid of the University Library Heidelberg. Supplemental material and open data can be incorporated into the online edition.
Further information (in German) for readers and authors about the Archäologische Informationen journal.
The older volumes are being successively retro-digitised, they are available here in the online archive. All articles can be read without the need for an additional registration. Registration (bottom right) provides specific users, e.g. administrators, with access to functions which are not required to read the articles
Vol 38 (2015): Archäologische Informationen
DGUF-Nachrichten / Editorial
Inhalt 5-9Fokus: Open Access & Open Data
Frank Siegmund, Diane Scherzler 11-19
Nicholas Canny 21-29
Johannes Fournier 31-40
Doug Rocks-Macqueen 41-52
Gisela Eberhardt, Nadine Riedl 53-61
Julian D. Richards 63-71
Maria Effinger, Alexandra Büttner 73-82
Irina Oberländer-Târnoveanu, Sergiu Musteaţă 83-99
László Simon-Nanko 101-108
Hubertus Kohle 109-112
Gabriele Gattiglia 113-124
Felix Schäfer, Maurice Heinrich, Anne Sieverling, Martina Trognitz, Reinhard Förtsch, Ortwin Dally, Friederike Fless 125-136
Valeria Boi, Anna Maria Marras, Cettina Santagati 137-147
Valeria Boi, Ilaria Jovine, Milena Stacca, Mirella Serlorenzi 149-155
Frank Lynam 157-172
Keith May, Ceri Binding, Doug Tudhope 173-184
Raimund Karl, Katharina Möller 185-199Fokus: Sammlungsstrategien auf dem Prüfstand
Heidrun Derks, Josef Mühlenbrock 201-202
Hans Peter Hahn 203-212
Michael M. Rind 213-218
Raimund Karl 219-231
Andreas Pilger 233-240
Bettina Stoll-Tucker 241-245
Duncan H. Brown 247-254
Stephan Weiß-König 255-262
Clemens Lichter 263-316Forum: Schatzregal
Rainer Schreg 317-322
Claus von Carnap-Bornheim, Ulf Ickerodt, Eicke Siegloff 323-330
Problem Metalldetektoren: Militärische Kampfmittel als Rettungsanker für unser archäologisches Erbe?André Schoellen 331-341Forum: Denkmalschutz in NRW
Christian Fuchs 343-351
Till Kemper 353-370
Dimitrij Davydov 371-378weitere Aufsätze
Helmut Kroll 379-380
Alexander Weide 381-424
Esther Saoub, Amir Musawy 425-432
Karl Banghard 433-452Diskussionen
Robert B. Eckhardt, Sakdapong Chavanaves, Maciej Henneberg 453-463
Markus Vosteen 465-470Tagungen & Arbeitsgemeinschaften
Thomas Richter, Jaroslav Bartík, Valdis Bērziņš, Julia Blumenröther, Jan Eigner, Birgit Gehlen, Robert Graf, Daniel Groß, Martin Heinen, Maha Ismail-Weber, Claus-Joachim Kind, Denise Leesch, Harald Lübke, Martin Nadler, Joachim Pechtl, Werner Schön, Bernhard Stapel, Markus Wild, Annabell Zander 471-480
László Simon-Nanko, Jasmin Rauhaus 481-484
Jens Greif 485-487Rezensionen
Karl Banghard 489-492
Markus C. Blaich 493-496
Heidrun Derks 497-503
Svend Hansen 505
Robert Kuhn 506-509
Robert Kuhn 510-512
Uroš Matić 513-515
Dieter Quast 517-518
Miriam Sénécheau 519-523
Johann Friedrich Tolksdorf 524-526
Jutta Zerres 527-529Dissertationen & Examensarbeiten
Nadia Balkowski, Stefan Hartmann 531-542
Jelena Steigerwald 543-552
Line Van Wersch 553-557
Martin Zimmermann 559-562