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Open Access Monograph Series: Histos Supplements

[First posted in AWOL 9 December 2014, updated 27 August, 2016]

Histos Supplements
ISSN: 2046-5963 (Online)
(Print): 2046-5955
Supplements to Histos offer thematic volumes whose size or subject matter makes them less suited for publication in the regular journal and more appropriate for independent publication. Material for the Supplements undergoes the same blind refereeing as contributions to the regular journal. The arrangements for blind refereeing are conducted by the supervisory editor.
We recommend that citations from the Supplements be cited as follows:
• For single works thus:
A. E. Raubitschek, Autobiography, ed. with introduction and notes by Donald Lateiner (Newcastle upon Tyne: Histos Supplement 1, 2014), 6–13.
• For articles within supplements:
B. A. Ellis, ‘HerodotusMagister Vitae, or: Herodotus and God in the Protestant Reformation’, in id., ed.,God in History: Reading and Rewriting Herodotean Theology from Plutarch to the Renaissance (Newcastle upon Tyne: Histos Supplement 4, 2015), 173-245.
New proposals for Supplements are always welcome; they should be addressed to the editor, Christopher Krebs, at histos@ncl.ac.uk.

1. Antony Erich Raubitschek, The Autobiography of A. E. Raubitschek, Edited with Introduction and Notes by Donald Lateiner (2014)

Forthcoming Supplements:

Hellenistic Historiography
Edited by Alexander Meeus

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