[First posted in AWOL 7 June 2013, updated 22 August 2016]
Athenian Onomasticon
Sean G Byrne
Athenian Onomasticon
Sean G Byrne
Since the publication of the Lexicon of Greek Personal Names II (Attica) in 1994 and Foreign Residents of Athens in 1996, fresh epigraphic evidence has continued to emerge by the month in the form of newly published inscriptions and re-readings and reinterpretations of old material. This has entailed a steady enhancement in the state of the Attic onomsticon and prosopography, with new names added, evidence for known names and people supplemented, and misread or misinterpreted names abolished.
A gauge of this progress is provided only partially by the Bibliography, from which references are removed when subsumed by Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum items. A better indication is given by the Addenda / Corrigenda to LGPN, posted by us at regular intervals until 2008, recording the cumulative changes to be made to the printed LGPN II. And in addition to these there are the extensive updates to bibliographic references provided by the publication of such corpora as Agora XVI and XVIII, IEleusis, IRhamnous and SEMA, not to mention the sixteen volumes of SEG that have appeared in the intervening years.
This site makes available the complete up-to-date onomastic data for the population of ancient Athens, through a search facility, and through html files that present the latest version of the Onomasticon.