The Library of Antiquity: Tips and Tricks for the Study of the Ancient Mediterranean
Jaclyn Neel's and Mary Franks's excellent Library of Antiquity is producing a series of extremely useful guides to the use of the new TLG:
Jaclyn Neel's and Mary Franks's excellent Library of Antiquity is producing a series of extremely useful guides to the use of the new TLG:
The TLG remains one of the most useful Classics tools. Last year, we laid out how to use the ‘classic’ interface in a series of posts. And then (of course!) the site updated, with a completely new look and some new features. In this post, I (re)introduce the features that you’re most likely to use.
Please note: for TLG die-hards, the old TLG is still available! If you are a master at the old site, there’s no need to learn the new one — yet. But most of the features are similar enough that the move won’t hurt.
Unlike the old TLG, the new TLG lays out its main features in a horizontal bar at the top of the page. Although this post focuses on the search and browse features, the lexica (and some others that are not in the screenshot, like N-grams) are new features. The dictionaries are usable on all texts; the statistical features are not, and were not activated in any of the texts I used on my last TLG visit (all Roman-era historiographers). Stay tuned for an update.
Help with Greek Texts: The New TLG (introduction)
Help with Greek Texts: The New TLG Part 2 (Searching)
Help with Greek Texts: The New TLG, Part 3 (Advanced Search)
Help with Greek Texts: The New TLG, Part 6 (More Statistics)