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List of Open Access Student Journals

 [First posted in AWOL 17 October, 2013, updated 15 June 2016]

This is a list of the Antiquity focused open access student journals I know about. I am sure there are more, please comment and let me know what I have missed.

40 titles to date.
    1. AGORA: The Undergraduate Journal of UBC Classical, Near Eastern and Religious Studies
    2. Anemoi: Undergraduate Journal of Pre-Modern Studies
    3. AnthroJournal: The Collegiate Journal of Anthropology
    4. Auctor: A journal for postgraduates in Classics
    5. Axis Mundi 
    6. Berkeley Undergraduate Journal of Classics 
    7. Brown Classical Journal
    8. The Byzantinist: The Newsletter of the Oxford Byzantine Society
    9. Chronika: The Institute for European and Mediterranean Archaeology Graduate Student Journal
    10. Constellations
    11. Crossroads: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of History, Philosophy, Religion and Classics
    12. Digressus: The Internet Journal for the Classical World
    13. Diogenes
    14. Discentes: The Undergraduate Magazine for the Department of Classical Studies at the University of Pennsylvania
    15. Distant Worlds Journal (DWJ)
    16. eisodos: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur und Theorie 
    17. Furnace: The Postgraduate Journal of the Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage, University of Birmingham
    18. Gorffennol: The Swansea University History and Classics Online Journal and Blog
    19. Hirundo, the McGill Journal of Classical Studies 
    20. Hey!Zeus! The Yale Undergraduate Journal of Classics
    21. Hortulus: The Online Graduate Journal of Medieval Studies
    22. The International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology (IJSRA)
    23. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers
    24. Lumen et Vita 
    25. Mythological Studies Journal
    26. Neo: The Classics Students Journal
    27. Orient: A Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations Student Union Publication (formerly Journal of Near & Middle Eastern Studies)
    28. Past Imperfect
    29. Pegasus: Journal of the Department of Classics and Ancient History in the University of Exeter 
    30. The Post Hole
    31. Plêthos: Revista Discente de Estudos Sobre a Antiguidadee o Medievo 
    32. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature
    33. Pseudo-Dionysius
    34. Studia Antiqua: A Student Journal for the Study of the Ancient World 
    35. Studies in Mediterranean antiquity and classics
    36. Sunoikisis Undergraduate Research Journal
    37. Terra Incognita
    38. TOTEM: The University of Western Ontario Anthropology Journal
    39. Vexillum: The Undergraduate Journal of Classical and Medieval Studies
    40. vis-à-vis: Explorations in Anthropology

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