[First posted in AWOL 23 July 3913, updated 6 June 2016]
Trismegistos Places (GEO and GEOREF)
Trismegistos Places (GEO and GEOREF)
Currently 49774 place records (GEO) and 197702 place attestation records (GEOREF).
Based on the foundations of the Fayum Project (Graeco-Roman Egypt) of the KULeuven and the project Multilingualism and Multiculturalism in Graeco-Roman Egypt of Cologne University.
Fully reworked in a project sponsored by the Hercules Foundation.
Expanded to places outside Egypt in the framework of the CIP Europeana EAGLE project.
General coordination (Trismegistos): Mark Depauw, Herbert Verreth General coordination (Fayum Project): Willy Clarysse, Katelijn Vandorpe Database structure (Filemaker 7-11): Bart Van Beek Online version (PHP & MySQL): Jeroen Clarysse, Bart Van Beek, Mark Depauw Data processing (Fayum Project): Bart Van Beek; formerly Hans Proost, Inge Uytterhoeven Data processing (Trismegistos): Herbert Verreth
And see AWOL's Roundup of Resources on Ancient Geography