SCS Presidential Talks delivered at Annual Meetings
- J.J. Peradotto (SUNY-Buffalo), "Interrogating the Canon, Deposing the Tyrannus":
1990 (San Francisco) - Erich Gruen (California-Berkeley), "Cultural Fictions and Cultural Identity":
1992 (New Orleans) - Charles Segal, "Classics, Ecumenism, and Greek Tragedy": 1994 (Atlanta).
- Emily Vermeule, "Archaeology and Philology: The Dirt and the Word": 1995 (San Diego).
- Robert Kaster, "The Shame of the Romans": 1996 (New York).
- Susan Treggiari, "Home and Forum: Cicero between 'Public' and 'Private'" (1997).
- Helene P. Foley, "Modern Performance and Adaptation of Greek Tragedy": 1998 (Washington, DC).
- David Konstan, "Altruism": 1999 (Dallas.)
- Julia Gaisser, "Teaching Classics in the Renaissance: Two Case Histories": 2001 (San Diego).
- Kenneth Reckford, "Pueri ludentes: Some Aspects of Play and Seriousness in Horace's Epistles": 2002 (Philadelphia).
- Michael Gagarin, "Telling Stories in Athenian Law": 2003 (New Orleans).
- James J. O'Donnell, "Late Antiquity: Before and After": 2004 (San Francisco).
- A response to this address from Steven Willett is also available
- Elaine Fantham, "Liberty and the People in Republican Rome": 2005 (Boston).
- Eleanor Leach : Roman seniores write to iuvenes 2006 (Montreal)
- Jenny Strauss Clay Homer’s Trojan Theater, 2007 (San Diego). And check out the companion website to see Homer deploying the troops!
- Ruth Scodel, Stupid Pointless Wars 2008 (Chicago)