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Altertumswissenschaften in a Digital Age: Egyptology, Papyrology and beyond

Altertumswissenschaften in a Digital Age: Egyptology, Papyrology and beyond
Edited by Monica Berti and Franziska Naether

Proceedings of a conference and workshop in Leipzig, November 4-6, 2015
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1. Chapter 1 = Research Area 1: How to Structure and Organize Data?
1.1. Felix Schäfer (DAI Berlin, IANUS): Ein länges Leben für Deine Daten!

1.2. Simon Schweitzer (Berlin): The Text Encoding Software of the Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae

1.3. Frank Feder (Göttingen): Cataloguing and editing Coptic Biblical texts in an online database system

1.4. Tom Gheldof (Leuven): Trismegistos: identifying and aggregating metadata of Ancient World texts

1.5. Monica Berti, Franziska Naether, Julia Jushaninowa, Giuseppe G.A. Celano,
Polina Yordanova (Leipzig/Sofia/New York): The Digital Rosetta Stone: textual alignment and linguistic annotation

1.6. Camilla Di Biase-Dyson, Stefan Beyer, Nina Wagenknecht (Göttingen/Leipzig):
Annotating figurative language: Another perspective for digital Altertumswissenschaften

1.7. Jochen Tiepmar (Leipzig): Release of the MySQL based implementation of the CTS protocol

1.8. Simon Schweitzer (Berlin), Simone Gerhards (Mainz): Auf dem Weg zu einem TEI-Austauschformat für ägyptisch-koptische Texte

1.9. Nicola Reggiani (Heidelberg/Parma): The Corpus of Greek Medical Papyri and Digital Papyrology: new perspectives from an ongoing project

1.10. Marc Brose, Josephine Hensel, Gunnar Sperveslage, (Leipzig/Berlin): Von Champollion bis Erman – Lexikographiegeschichte im Digitalen Zeitalter, Projekt “Altägyptische Wörterbücher im Verbund”

1.11. Lucia Vannini (London): Virtual reunification of papyrus fragments

1.12. Matthias Schulz (Leipzig): What remains behind – on the virtual reconstruction of dismembered manuscripts

2. Chapter 2 = Research Area 2: Which Fields of Research are
Relevant? Established and Emerging Use Cases

2.1. Anne Herzberg (Berlin): Prosopographia Memphitica. Individuelle Identitäten und Kollektive Biographien einer Residenzstadt des Neuen Reiches

2.2. Felicitas Weber (Swansea): The Ancient Egyptian Demonology Project: Second Millennium BCE

2.3. Holger Essler, Vincenzo Damiani (Würzburg): Anagnosis – automatisierte Buchstabenverknüpfung von Transkript und Papyrusabbildung

2.4. So Miyagawa (Göttingen/Kyoto): An Intuitive Unicode Input Method for Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphic Writing: Applying the Input Technology of the Japanese Writing System

2.5. Mark-Jan Nederhof (St. Andrews): OCR of hand-written transcriptions of hieroglyphic text

2.6. Svenja A. Gülden, Kyra van der Moezel (Mainz): „Altägyptische Kursivschriften“ in a digital age

2.7. Claudia Maderna-Sieben, Fabian Wespi, Jannik Korte (Heidelberg):
Deciphering Demotic Digitally 
2.8. Christopher Waß (München): Demotisch, Hieratisch und SQL: Ein Beispiel für die Anwendung von DH in der Ägyptologie

3. Chapter 3 = Research Area 3: How to Train Next Generations?

3.1. Julia Jushaninowa (Leipzig): E-learning Kurs “Verarbeitung digitaler Daten in der Ägyptologie”

4. Chapter 4 = Research Area 4: How to Impact Society? Citizen
Science and Public Engagement

4.1. Usama Gad (Heidelberg/Cairo): The Digital Challenges and Chances: The Case of Papyri and Papyrology in Egypt

4.2. Aris Legowski (Bonn): The Project is completed! What now? The Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead – A Digital Textzeugenarchiv

5. Chapter 5: Additional Papers

5.1. Rita Lucarelli, Images of Eternity in 3D. The visualization of ancient Egyptian coffins through photogrammetry

5.2. Van der Perre, Athena (Brussels): From Execration Texts to Quarry Inscriptions. Combining IR, UV and 3D-Imaging for the Documentation of Hieratic Inscriptions

6. Chapter 6: Workshops

6.1. Protocol of Workshop 1 by Franziska Naether and Felix Schäfer: Disruptive
Technologies: Feature on 3D in Egyptian Archaeology (Chair: Felix Schäfer)
with short presentations

6.2. Hassan Aglan (Luxor): 3D tombs modeling by simple tools

6.3. Rebekka Pabst (Mainz): Neue Bilder, neue Möglichkeiten. Chancen für die Ägyptologie durch das 3D-Design

6.4. Protocol of Workshop 2 by Monica Berti, Franziska Naether and Svenja A.
Gülden: Annotated Corpora: Trends and Challenges (Chair : Svenja A. Gülden)

6.5. Minutes of the Final Discussion with suggestions and decisions for the field by
Monica Berti and Franziska Naether

7. Poster Presentations

7.1. Isabelle Marthot (Universität Basel): Papyri of the University of Basel (together
with Sabine Huebner and Graham Claytor)

7.2. Isabelle Marthot (Universität Basel): University of Minnesota Project: Ancient
Lives, a crowd-sourced Citizen Science project

7.3. Uta Siffert (Universität Wien): Project Meketre: From Object to Icon (together
with Lubica Hudakova, Peter Jánosy and Claus Jurman)

7.4. Charlotte Schubert et al.: “Digital Classics Online” Journal

8. Photos of the Venue by Monica Berti, Julia Jushaninowa and
Franiska Naether

If you want to know more: Links

Check out what people tweeted and posted about and during the conference by
searching after the hashtag “#DHEgypt15” on Twitter (https://twitter.com/) and
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/).

Institutional Homepages in Leipzig:
Digital Humanities: http://www.dh.uni-leipzig.de/wo/dhegypt15/

Egyptology: http://aegyptologisches-institut.uni-leipzig.de

Julia Jushaninowa’s Blog Report about the conference: http://www.dh.uni-leipzig.de/wo/news-announcements/

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