For Scholars Studying Gender and/or Agency from Ancient Near Eastern and Late Antiquity Civilizations
The initiative, led by Vanessa Juloux (École Practique des Hautes Études, Paris), was presented during the last Mentoring Meeting of the Initiative on the Status of Women in ASOR (November 2015, Atlanta).
The aim of the blog is to have a virtual meeting place that is open to all scholars interested in gender and/or agency. We aim to have regular and diverse blog entries, covering among other subjects: events, new books, and other topics of interest.
Agnès Garcia-Ventura ("Sapienza", Università degli Studi di Roma) and Saana Svärd (University of Helsinki) collaborate with Vanessa Juloux to help promote the blog and solicit blog posts. We will be happy to welcome your proposals, feedback and content for the sections. Please do not hesitate to contact us: