Channel: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
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Pelagios Commons

Pelagios Commons
Pelagios Commons is an open community linking together the places of our past through the documents that refer to them, and vice versa. It operates through the activity of multiple Special Interest Groups (SIGs) dedicated to specific historical or technical topics. It is directed by a Commons Committee drawn from these SIGs. It is currently supported financially and administratively by the Pelagios 6 project, funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Pelagios Commons is part of a wider ecology of projects dedicated to interlinking online resources about the past. Our contributions include the following freely available resources:

Recogito, a tool that makes it easy to identify and record the places referred to in historical texts, maps and tables;Peripleo, a search service that allows you to find community-curated content related to specific places;Pelagios Map Tiles, a set of resources that allow you to project data onto dynamic maps dedicated to different historical periods.


Simon, R., Isaksen, L., Barker, E. and de Soto Cañamares, P. Forthcoming. The Pleiades Gazetteer and the Pelagios Project. In Placing Names: Enriching and Integrating Gazetteers. Berman, Mostern, & Southall, (Eds.) Indiana University Press.
Simon, R., Isaksen, L., Barker, E. and de Soto Cañamares, P. 2016. Peripleo: a Tool for Exploring Heterogenous Data through the Dimensions of Space and TimeCode4Lib Issue 31, 2016-01-28.
Simon, R., Barker, E., Isaksen, L. and de Soto Cañamares, P. 2015. Linking Early Geospatial Documents, One Place at a Time: Annotation of Geographic Documents with Recogito. In e-Perimetron. Vol.10, No.2 (2015), pp. 49-59. ISSN 1790-3769.
Simon, R., Pilgerstorfer, P., Isaksen, L. and Barker, E. 2014. Towards Semi-Automatic Annotation of Toponyms on Old Maps. In e-Perimetron. Vol. 9, No.3 (2014), pp. 105-128. ISSN 1790-3769.
Simon, R., Barker, E., de Soto, P. and Isaksen, L. 2014. Pelagios. In ISAW Papers 7.27.
Isaksen, L., Barker, E. Simon, R., de Soto, P. 2014. Pelagios and the Emerging Graph of Ancient World Data. In WebSci’14 Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Web Science, 22-26 June 2014, Bloomington, IN, USA, pp. 197-201.
Kiesling, J. B. & Isaksen, L. 2014. Stadiasmus of the Great Sea, Anonymous, English Translation.

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