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News from CDLI: The educational pages of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative

From Jacob Dahl
We are pleased to announce that the educational pages of the CuneiformDigital Library Initiative, the cdli:wiki, now hosted at the University ofOxford, have been significantly updated over the last few months.

cdli:wiki remains the host for a great number of tools for Assyriologydeveloped and written by staff of the cdli at UCLA, Oxford, and theMPIWG Berlin. In particular the Abbreviations for Assyriology page that hasbeen widely cited in recent years, remains accessible with us, and weare happy to enter new recommendations or make corrections in ourfiles. We have added two other bibliographical tools, "RecentPublications in Assyriology" with abstracts andlinks to published TOC's, and a "Bibliography of Sumerian Literature,derived from the Oxford project "Electronic Text Corpus of SumerianLiterature".

When the CDLI inherited the Mesopotamian Year-Names project of PeterDamerow and Marcel Sigrist, that in the meantime has been expanded,and for many Lagash II and Ur III year names corrected by RichardFirth, we decided to incorporate this work into a broader presentationof the chronology of Mesopotamia. The list of Assyrian limmuofficials nowreaches from 1972 BC to shortly before year 1000 BC (the electronicOld Assyrian limmu list was provided by Gojko Barjamovich and ThomasHertel). We are in the process of linking this list to the data of theCDLI project, and expect to add neo-Assyrian limmu names in the nearfuture. Among the lists of year names, the Ur III Dynastyremains the best covered in cdli:wiki.

Our writing systems pages, underdevelopment as well, will host sign lists and information about thedifferent writing systems attested in the ancient Near East.

Finally, our list of the "One Hundred Most Important CuneiformObjects",that attempts to drawthe attention of students and informal learnersto particularly significant texts, has alreadyreceived some publicityon this list. As always, we encourage comments, additions, andcorrections to this webpage as well as to any of the other componentsthat make up oureducational and research tools initiative.

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