[First posted on AWOL 4 April 2013, updated 2 April 2016]
Jerusalem Virtual Library: The Academic Database on Historic Jerusalem
Jerusalem Virtual Library: The Academic Database on Historic Jerusalem
The Jerusalem Library, initiated in 2001 by Prof. Sari Nusseibah, President of Al-Quds University and Prof. Ronnie Ellenblum of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is meant to be a comprehensive resource for the history of Jerusalem. The library, hosted together by the two universities, enables free access to digitized historical materials and primary sources about Jerusalem. The collections are based on the archives of the Jewish National Library, the Israel Antiquities Authority and the collections of al-Quds University.
To date, most of the historical sources are kept in national, religious, municipal and private archives and are not accessible to all. Physical and non-tangible barriers prevent potential readers, in Jerusalem and elsewhere from exploring the vast and complicated history of the city. The virtual library is meant to overcome these barriers
The Library makes use of innovative content-oriented IT tools and enables a more convenient, home-based search in the documents themselves. The biggest part of the collections are books, maps, photographs, engravings and inscriptions published for the first time before the beginning of the 20th century.